Familiarity of the future music teachers in Primary Education with the nowadays classical music


  • Daniel Mateos Moreno Universidad de Málaga




Contemporary Music, Teacher Training.


Given the high-value of its resources for teaching music, as posed in the 70s by the works of John Paynter, Peter Aston, Robert Murray Schafer, Gertrud Meyer-Denkmann, Brian Dennis and others, it is easy to find literature that places Contemporary Classical Western Music as one of the top dominant trends in the field of Music Education. Our research aimed to detect the present familiarity towards this music on the part of students in their last stage for the awarding of the Primary-school Music-teacher degree in Andalusia. Also it aimed to reveal keys for possible actions to improve this familiarity. The proposed research was pursued following paradigms of the quantitative statistical methodology, with the aid of the computer program SPSS. An instrument was built, piloted, validated and concurrently-validated on a related population. Results were disappointing, putting on the table the real dimensions of a problem, together with a variety of starting-points where a plan could be built to effectively resolve the encountered situation.

Author Biography

Daniel Mateos Moreno, Universidad de Málaga

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación


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Referencias discográficas

Bartók, B. (Compositor). El Mandarín Maravilloso. London Symphony Orchestra dirigida por Kent Nagano. Apex CD LC04281.

Berg, A. (Compositor). Lulú. Orquesta Nacional de Francia dirigida por Jeffrey Tate. EMI CD 5099950940028.

Berio, L. (Compositor). Sequenzas. Interpretadas por Shulman, Goodman, Arnold, B. Berman, Trudel, Dann, Sarc, Wood, Valdepenas, Few, Sainz Villegas, Munday, Petric, Adkins. Naxos CD 8.557661-63.

Cage, J. (Compositor). 4’ 33’’. Sin grabación.

Copland, A. (Compositor). Appalachian Spring. Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio Checoslovaca, dirigida por Stephen Gunzenhauser. Naxos CD 8.550282.

Glass, P. (Compositor). Einstein on the Beach. The Philip Glass Ensemble dirigido por Michael Riesman. Nonesuch CD 79323-2.

Hindemith, P. (Compositor). Matías el Pintor. Orquesta de Nueva Zelanda dirigida por Franz- Paul Decker. Naxos CD 8.553078.

Ligeti, G. (Compositor). Atmospheres. Orquesta Filarmónica de Viena dirigida por Claudio Abbado. Deutsche Grammophone CD 0289 429 2602 8 GH.

Ligeti, G. (Compositor). Lux aeterna. Coro de Norddeutschen Rundfunks dirigido por Helmut Franz. Deutsche Grammophone CD 0289 477 6443 4 GB 4.

Messiaen, O. (Compositor). Turangalila. Orchestre de l'Opéra Bastille dirigida por Myung- Whun Chung. Deutsche Grammophone CD 0289 431 7812 9 GH.

Messiaen, O. (Compositor). Veinte miradas sobre el niño Jesús. Interpretado por Hakon Austbo, Naxos CD 8.550829-30.

Satie, E. (Compositor). Gymnopedies. Interpretado por Klara Körmendi. Naxos CD 8.550305.

Schoenberg, A. (Compositor). Pierrot Lunaire. Philharmonia Orchestra dirigida por Robert Craft. Naxos CD 8.557523.

Stravinsky, I. (Compositor). Historia de un Soldado. Ensemble dirigido por Robert Craft. Naxos CD 8.558206-07.

Stravinsky, I. (Compositor). Pájaros de Fuego. Philharmonia Orchestra dirigida por Robert Craft. Naxos CD 8.557500.

Varese, E. (Compositor). Ameriques. New York Philharmonic y Ensemble Intercontemporain dirigidos por Pierre Boulez. Sony CD SMK 45844.

Varese, E. (Compositor). Ionisation. New York Philharmonic y Ensemble Intercontemporain dirigidos por Pierre Boulez. Sony CD SMK 45844.


