A Distributed Model of On-Line Classical Guitar Course
Classical Guitar Learning, Hybrid Course, E-learning, Moodle.Abstract
This article serves as an introduction to an educational model developed with a Learning Management System (LMS) called Moodle. This model was the primary goal of a research project entitled "Constructivism in an Introduction to the Guitar: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Teaching Model of ICT Support". This study is a continuation and extension of previously developed research reported in the issue no. 24 of this journal. The main contribution of this research consists of the characteristics of the model: the development of a teaching group tutorial system supported by the families of the students, the provision of teaching materials through the Moodle platform employing strategies derived from constructivist theory with a virtual presence modality, and the development of an evaluation system consistent with the above elements. The protocol design was descriptive of the research and development (R&D) type. Educational assessment was conducted with a hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach by the implementation of surveys, focus groups, and analyses of musical achievement. The results demonstrated a high level of acceptance among the participants. The evaluations of musical performance were high: 3.28 individual performances (scale 1-4); 3.2 group performances (scale 1-4). Also, the comments made by the participants were very favorable, suggesting the appropriateness of replication of similar studies or exploration of the model with other musical instruments, as well as the implementation of similar models in different educational environments.
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