Methods and treatises for the learning of Violin in the nineteenth century


  • Ana Garde Badillo Escola de Música Luthier, Barcelona
  • Josep Gustems Carnicer Universitat de Barcelona



Violin Methods, Musical Education, Musical Methods, Violin Teaching.


This article presents a description of the main treatises for beginning Violin instruction published in the nineteenth century. Based on the analytical file created and validated for this purpose, this description includes didactic and methodological aspects and considers how the treatises deal with motor and hearing skills and abilities, musical language reinforcement and emotional development. The aim of the study is to determine the validity of these treaties for the current pedagogy of the violin, highlighting the main elements present in a significant sample of fourteen treatises for violin teaching, written for students at the initial level, of the nineteenth century. Among the main contents, the volumes include posture, relaxation, the subjection of the violin and the bow, the graduation of difficulties, and the production of a good sound. Those advances have remained sound up to the present time and are part of the contents and teaching procedures of this instrument today.

Author Biographies

Ana Garde Badillo, Escola de Música Luthier, Barcelona

Prof. superior de violín. Dra. en Historia del Arte

Josep Gustems Carnicer, Universitat de Barcelona

Profesor titular de Didáctica de la expresión musical (universidad de Barcelona). Director del departamento de didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, la Educación Musical, la Educación Física y la Educación Visual y Plástica (UB)


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