Evaluation of educational programmes in music institutions. The case of “Adopt a Player”
Music Education, Educational Research, Evaluation of Educational Programs, Musical Institutions.Abstract
For years, orchestras, concert halls and theaters (the most representative musical institutions of public expression of music), have been developing a wide variety of educational activities, with special emphasis on young people, and a very significant impact on other groups of people. Sometimes, these actions are configured as stable educational programs that create opportunities for experience and learning, both in non-formal education and formal education of a regulated nature. This paper addresses the evaluation of the “Adopt a Player” program of the National Orchestra and Choir of Spain. The main objective is to identify and analyze the effects this program has on the participants and the implications arising from those outcomes. The methodological approach is mixed, qualitative and quantitative, including observations, interviews, questionnaires, and document review. Here, an overview of the research results and conclusions is offered. The results show significant effects on the educational process and learning factors, cognitive, behavioral, emotional and social, linked to a shared, active, and creative musical practice.
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