A picture and a thousand words: The pairing of photography and science


  • Roberto García-Roa Lund University (Sweden).




photography, science, scientific photography, history, conservation


Photography was born at the beginning of the 19th century as a tool for representing the world around us. With its advent, the scientific community found an ally to push back the frontiers of knowledge. Since then, the pairing of photography and science has evolved considerably. Photography has positioned itself not only as an effective means of collecting data, but also as a tool for sharing scientific information, both inside and outside the academic world. In addition, technological developments in recent decades have encouraged almost constant interaction between photography and the public, including the research community. This has further opened up possibilities for integrating photography into scientific career development.


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Author Biography

Roberto García-Roa, Lund University (Sweden).

Researcher in evolutionary biology at Lund University (Sweden) and nature and conservation photographer. Among other awards, his photographic work has won the British Ecological Society’s Capturing Ecology competition three times.


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How to Cite

García-Roa, R. (2024). A picture and a thousand words: The pairing of photography and science. Metode Science Studies Journal, (14), 17–21. https://doi.org/10.7203/metode.14.25534
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Moments of science. Photography and the understanding of nature
