Checklist for shipment preparation

The authors commits themselves to make sure that the submitted article is original and is not under review process in any other publication.

The text follows Metode Science Studies Journal's Editorial Guidelines.

The authors read and accepted Metode Science Studies Journal's Ethical Code.

The authors followed all the requirements to ensure a blind peer:

  1. The paper will be sent in a main file (Microsoft Word or equivalent), without any reference or identification of the authors.
  2. The paper must have a cover page, sent as a complementary file, with: title and subtitle, abstract, keywords and identification data of all the authors (name, affiliation, email and postal address).

The authors assures that they have the rights to reproduce any image, illustration, or any other kind of support material accompanying the article, or the material is free of rights.

The authors must specify if the research received any kind of economic aid and, if necessary, write a declaration of conflict of interest.