The evaluation of theatrical animation activities and projects


  • Xavier Úcar Martinez Autonomous University of Barcelona



Evaluación, Teatro


The Theatre Animation is an interdisciplinary meeting point that join the cultural, the educative and the artistic aspects in a mix that makes difficult to distinguish each of these dimensions in concrete practices. The main goal of this work is to give a view of the complexity of theatre animation and to provide some guidelines to the evaluation of the activities and projects in this field. We don’t want to give recipes or solutions in front of specific situations or problems. Our aim is to create a guide of reflexion that provide resources to work in the development of activities and projects in Theatre Animation. To achieve these goals, the article is divided in three parts. The first is dedicated to the reflection about the forms and the meaning of the evaluation during the last century. We try to establish a current conceptual frame for the processes of evaluation to be used in the projects of theatre animation. In the second part, the conceptual frame is especified in the concrete practice of those projects. Finally, in the third part, we introduce some elements for the management and planification of the evaluation processes in those projects.

Author Biography

Xavier Úcar Martinez, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Departamento de Pedagogía Sistemática y Social. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)


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