Towards a just and sustainable circularity: An ecological economics and political ecology approach to the circular economy


  • Brais Suárez Eiroa Universitat de Barcelona, Departament d'Història Econòmica, Institucions, Política i Economia Mundial, 08034, Barcelona, Spain ECOBAS, Universidade de Vigo, Post-Growth Innovation Lab, Campus A Xunqueira, 36005, Pontevedra, Spain



environmental justice, postgrowth, degrowth, strong sustainability, environmental economics


Since the beginning of the 21st century, the circular economy has gained increasing importance on the European political agenda. Currently, it is presented as an ideal economic solution to address the ecological crisis and promote social well-being. However, in recent years, numerous critical voices have emerged from fields such as ecological economics and political ecology. In this article, I review the main criticisms associated with the idea of a circular economy based on the premise of green growth. Subsequently, I present some theoretical and practical suggestions to transition towards a circularity compatible with fair and sustainable economic systems. The thesis I defend here is that the notion of a circular economy has opened a breach in the neoliberal capitalist framework that can favour the eco-social transition. For this, it is essential to dissociate circularity from the social construct of prioritising economic growth over other social and environmental issues. Only by the emergence of new logic and institutions outside the capitalist framework will it be possible to design a fair and truly sustainable circularity.


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How to Cite

Suárez Eiroa, B. (2023). Towards a just and sustainable circularity: An ecological economics and political ecology approach to the circular economy. TERRA: Revista De Desarrollo Local, 1(12), 56–75.
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