Anti-plagiarism policy

TERRA regularly uses systems to detect possible plagiarism in the texts it receives. For this reason, TERRA understands by:

- Plagiarism: the reuse of other people's ideas, processes, results, or words without the explicit recognition of the original authors and the sources from which they came.

- Self-plagiarism: the reuse by authors of substantial parts of their own previously published work, without indicating the appropriate references.

- Scientific fraud: the manifest fabrication, manipulation or distortion of data or results to achieve preconceived conclusions.

TERRA monitors these practices by submitting each text to the plagiarism detection software provided by the University of Valencia (EPHORUS). Similarly, direct Google searches for key phrases and those suspected of being plagiarized or self-plagiarized are used as a redundancy tool.

The actions against these practices promoted by TERRA are:

a) The immediate refusal of the text submitted as an original.

b) The future publication of any text proposed by the authors of articles previously rejected because of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or scientific fraud could be considered as unviable.

c) If plagiarism, self-plagiarism or scientific fraud has been detected after the final publication of an edition, the article in question will be removed from the table of contents and the files will be deleted from the TERRA website.

d) The Editorial Board reserves the right to contact plagiarized authors and the organizations and institutions to which they belong, in order to give an account of the facts and their circumstances.