La reescriptura teatral del «Tirant lo Blanc» per a infants i adolescents de Maria Aurèlia Capmany
The Theatrical Rewriting of «Tirant lo Blanc» for children and adolescents by Maria Aurèlia Capmany
Breu record de Tirant lo Blanc: Per a ús de col·legials enamorats del teatre is part of the theatrical beginnings of Maria Aurèlia Capmany. It was the first adaptation she wrote of Martorell’s novel. She wrote it for her students at Col·legi Isabel de Villena in the 1958-59 academic year. This staging linked to the school world was the first of her many rewritings of the play in different genres. In addition, this version for children and young adults would be followed by a theatrical rewriting for adults in Valencia in 1971, and with a new staging by J.A. Codina at the Teatre Grec of Barcelona in 1976. Breu record del Tirant lo Blanc was originally published in a collection of plays by Capmany in 1968. It was later rewritten and published in 1977, and, finally, in the Josep A. Codina archive of the Institut del Teatre, there is another copy with textual variants. The play has had a long journey: from the school stage to professional theatre, from puppets to object theatre.
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