Caracterización y tipología del personaje mágico en los primeros libros del ciclo amadisiano
Types and portrayal of the magic characters in the first books of the Amadisian cycle
In this paper, the structural elements of the most important magical characters in the first five books of Amadis de Gaula are analyzed. By doing this, it is intended to find the characteristics that turn them into mobile or immobile agents in the narration, according to Juri Lotman’s theory. To achieve this, their physical characteristics, their clothing and the most striking features of their personalities are the starting point of the research; so as the observation of the surroundings in which they appear more frequently. Even if the objects of study will be Arcaláus, Melia and Urganda, the essay will focus, mainly, in the last one after considering her as a mobile character, which is not very common in the ones of its kind.
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