About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Diablotexto Digital is a biannual journal of literary criticism primary focused on Hispanic literature. The journal predominantly proposes an approach to the literary field from various fronts of analysis, such as literary theory, criticism and practice, sociology, and cultural history.

The journal Diablotexto Digital maintains an open access policy, meaning that all its content is available free of charge to users and institutions.

Diablotexto Digital is aimed at scholars and researchers of Hispanic literature at the national and international level and has an editorial board and a scientific committee, whose members are identified in the corresponding lists.

Both committees are comprised of more than 80% of researchers unaffiliated with the University of Valencia (where the journal is based), and who are attached to Spanish and foreign institutions.

In the scientific committee, 100% of the researchers are from institutions other than the University of Valencia, and at least 50% are attached to foreign institutions.

Diablotexto Digital has a panel of external reviewers that ensures the anonymous peer review process (double-blind review system), member of the scientific advisory committee and other specialists who are not affiliated with either committee.

More than the 80% of the scientific articles in each issue are authored by researchers who are external to the University of Valencia, where the journal is based.

Research articles will constitute at least 75% of the published material.

Research articles authored by researchers of the University of Valencia will not exceed 15% of the published material, therefore, more than 85% of the authors will be external to the journal editorial organization.

Research articles authored by the members of Editorial Board or the Publishing Directors in no case will exceed 10% of the published material.

In addition to the section of scientific articles (Baza de textos: estudios críticos), the journal includes a review section (Sobretextos), an interview section (Pretextos para el debate), and a collection of Anejos for publishing original research-based scientific monographs related to Hispanic literature and culture.

The section Baza de textos: estudios críticos is organized into monographic blocks. Each issue focuses on specific aspects of the contemporary cultural debate, related to the already historiated literary fact, to the canonical and non-canonical texts, as well as to the emerging literature.

Starting from 2018, the publication frequency is biannual, with volumes released in June and December. Exceptionally, due to organizational reasons, the first two issues of Diablotexto Digital, corresponding to the years 2016 and 2017, were annual.  

Each article includes a title, summary, and keywords in both Spanish and English.

Articles may be written in Spanish, English, Catalan, Galician or Portuguese.

Each article is assigned a unique DOI using the prefix DOI: https://doi.org/10.7203/diablotexto

Peer Review Process

Once Diablotexto Digital's editorial team receives the article, it is submitted for consideration to two reviewers external to the journal and selected by the editors based on the article's area of specialization.

The reviewers submit their reports to the editorial team within a maximum of four weeks, with a recommendation to publish the article without modifications, to publish it with modifications, but without second evaluation, to publish it with modifications and a second evaluation, or not to publish it. The reports are sent to the author within eight weeks, and the author has the maximum of three weeks from the receipt of the report to send the article with the corresponding modifications.

In case of significant discrepancy between the two reviewers, a third reviewer will be consulted. In cases of minor discrepancy or if further evaluation is needed after the initial review, the editors will make the appropriate decision after consulting with the editorial board. Diablotexto Digital guarantees anonymity of both authors and reviewers. For the deontological aspects and the right and duties of the parties involved in the publication's process, please see the journal's Code of Ethics. 

Publication Frequency

Since 2018 the periodicity commitment is biannual. Volumes are published in June and December. Exceptionally, for organizational reasons, the first two issues of Diablotexto Digital, corresponding to the 2016 and 2017 annuities, were annual.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate open access to its content under the principle that making the investigation freely available to the public promotes greater global knowledge exchange. 




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Ethical Guidelines

Diablotexto Digital.  Journal of Literary Criticism is an academic publication of the Department of Spanish Philology at the University of Valencia. It is committed to promoting an ethical conduct in accordance with the principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (http://publicationethics.org).

The team of Diablotexto Digital. Journal of Literary Criticism deems it vital that all parties involved in the publication process – editorial team, reviewers, and authors – are aware of and accept the principles outlined in this code, with particular attention to the following commitments:


Maintaining the quality of the publication through the work of the editorial board and the the advice of scientific committee, composed of national and international specialists of recognised prestige in the field of Hispanic studies. The opinions of the authors will also be considered.

Respecting the confidentiality of the articles received. Only the editorial board and anonymous reviewers will have access to the files. In this last case, the reviewers will receive a document with the authors¢ references removed or edited to avoid direct recognition.

Protecting intellectual property

Avoiding academic misconduct. In this sense, the detection of plagiarism is grounds for immediate rejection of the article, whether regarding to works of other authors that were not cited or in the articles by the same author that have already been published elsewhere. If plagiarism is detected after the article is published, it will be immediately removed.

Guaranteeing that the evaluation process is free from bias based on factors such as gender, race, religion, geographic origin, nationality, ethnicity, or political believes of the authors. The content of the articles will be assessed solely based on their scientific quality and their relevance to the field of knowledge (Hispanic literature).

The editorial team is responsible for the decision to publish or reject the submitted articles, after receiving the evaluations from two external reviewers. In case of significant discrepancies between the two evaluations, a third evaluation will be requested. The editorial team is committed to using the same criteria to accept or reject all the articles according to their originality, relevance, and clarity of the proposal.

THE AUTHORS must take into account the following principles:

Authorship: Authors who wish to submit an article to Diablotexto Digital.  Journal of Literary Criticism must provide original documents that reflect their own research. Articles being evaluated simultaneously in other journals or books as well as research that has already been presented in part or in full in other places (journals or books) are not allowed to be evaluated. The data provided to the journal will only be used for editorial purposes.    

Responsibility:  The author who submits an article to Diablotexto Digital.  Journal of Literary Criticism assumes full responsibility for providing all identifying information (name, surname, country, affiliation, email) and for the content of the manuscript.

Plagiarism and originality: the authors are committed to submitting original articles and to properly citing all corresponding bibliographic sources.

Conflict of interests: Authors explicitly declare that there is no conflict of interests in the research results. If the authors are affiliated with a project or their research is funded, they must indicate the source of funding and/or the project in which the article is framed.

Correction of errors in published articles: If the authors detect errors in their articles, they will inform the editorial board for necessary corrections to be made.


The Baza de textos section articles undergo a rigorous anonymous peer-review process. Two external reviewers not affiliated to the University of Valencia will provide their expert assessment on the scientific quality of the evaluated articles to the editorial team.

The evaluators commit to conducting an objective and impartial evaluation of the article. Acceptance or rejection is based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality, interest and compliance with the style and content guidelines specified in the editorial criteria.

The evaluators also commit to respect the deadlines (and, if this is not possible, to inform the journal¢s editorial team well in advance).

The evaluators cannot share, disseminate, or use the information from the articles submitted for review without the corresponding permission from the journal¢s editorial team and/or the authors.

Publication Fees

Following a principle of academic equity and equal opportunities for the publications that meet the required scientific criteria, the journal Diablotexto Digital does not charge fees for submitting or publishing the articles.  For this reason, there are also no grants associated with the articles.

Plagiarism Detention Policies

-        The author's guidelines state the requirement for originality in the submitted works.

-        The submission of unpublished works is an exclusive requirement for acceptance of originals.

-        The authors are obliged to explicitly mention the sources in all citations in accordance with the publication's editorial guidelines.

-        The received works are subjected to the anti-plagiarism tool Urkund, a text recognition system used by the University of Valencia to detect and prevent plagiarism.

-        Any articles found to contain plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be rejected, and the author will be informed accordingly.


Diablotexto Digital is a publication free of advertising and external notices that hinder the critical reading of academic texts.


Diablotexto Digital is part of the activities framework of the following research projects:

- Prometeo Project 2016/133 Max Aub and the confrontations of historical memory and Memory Novels Lab: Digital Laboratory of Novels on Spanish Historical Memory (GV/2021/183), both subsidized by the Valencian Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society.  AsoDat Project: Integrated databases of Spanish classical theater (FFI2015-6597-C3-1-P) and Investigation Structure ELITE-PAC: Literary Writings: Heritage and the Present (GIUV2013-064), University of Valencia.

Journal History

Diablotexto Digital is a biannual journal of literary criticism primary focused on Hispanic literature. The journal predominantly proposes an approach to the literary field from various fronts of analysis, such as literary theory, criticism and practice, sociology, and cultural history.

The aim of this journal is to revive the critical spirit of Diablotexto. Journal of Literary Criticism (1994-2004) which also had been publishing by the Department of Spanish Philology at the University of Valencia under the direction of Joan Oleza.

In 1994, in the presentation of the first issue, Professor Oleza, when defining the project, wrote: “Diablotexto's periodicity is left to fate, although we have decided to produce at least one issue per year”.  Various difficulties of different natures, including the high cost of paper, brought the project to a halt. Today, with the help of new digital formats, the project has been revitalized. The Diablotexto Historical archive stands as a testament to the passion and dedication with which the project had been carrying forward by the different individuals involved, the exceptional results achieved, and our gratitude for their hard work.