Postpornography. The revolution of the perifery and its edges
postpornografía, tecnologías del sexo, feminismo, transfeminismosAbstract
It is now thirty years since the term post-pornography began to circulate and almost twenty since its boom. After all this time, and now that some of the principles on which our certainties were based are being shaken, it seems appropriate to review some fundamental issues within the technologies of post-pornographic production and the approaches that underpin them. This article first analyses the terminological confusion surrounding post-pornography, without losing sight of the aspiration to imprecision that has always hovered over its approaches. It then moves on to reflect on what was postulated as the main objective of this meta-pornography, which was the exploding pornography’s control over the production of the truth of sex. Lastly, the analysis focuses on the development of different feminisms in recent decades and their effects on post-pornography, while considering its feminist (transfeminist) roots. The ultimate purpose of this work is to open a debate that helps to relocate and reflect on the current state of post-porn production.
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