State violence and chilean theater during the chilean civil-military dictatorship. The case of the La Feria tent (1977)




Cultural history, state violence, chilean theater, chilean civic-military dictatorship


This article delves into the case of the burning of the tent of the theater group La Feria, which occurred on March 12, 1977. It is proposed that this fact served as an example for other artists who dared to raise their criticisms against the dictatorship. For this, the article is divided into three parts, considering a theoretical approach to the problem in question, which delves into issues such as symbolic violence and the weight of representations; the reconstruction of the case itself, which is carried out through a painstaking work of sources; and the final reflections, which seek to understand the impact and of this fact in the history of the national theater. Finally, through this article we seek not only to reveal an event, but also to incorporate it into a process, in the relationship of the chilean civic-military dictatorship with culture, highlighting the role of Hojas de Parra.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Leyton, M. F. (2024). State violence and chilean theater during the chilean civil-military dictatorship. The case of the La Feria tent (1977). Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (23), 263–282.
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Monográfico. Teatro y violencia política
