Guidelines for authors

The Spanish Journal of Palaeontology accept several types of original research and review articles (see below) of interest within the field of palaeontology. All papers are subject to international peer review, and acceptance is based on quality alone.


SJP publishes different types of manuscripts:

Research papers: These are original research papers on any aspect of palaeontology, with no strict length requirements.

Short communications: They are articles of no more than four printed pages, on topics of special significance/relevance; this type of article is promptly reviewed for publication.

Special papers: These articles are to be included in special issues of the journal or particular thematic collections of articles; they may report the outcome of scientific meetings.

Invited papers: Solicited by the Editorial Board for significant, innovative, and provocative discoveries, as well as for researchers of worldwide prestige.

Review papers: A review paper is based on other published articles. It does not report original research, but generally summarize the existing literature on a topic in an attempt to explain the current state of understanding on the topic.

Comments: These are short articles, less than two printed pages, commenting on analysis of previously published papers, or offering reply and discussion.

Book reviews: They consist of in-depth reviews of recent books covering the wide-ranging interests of the palaeontological community, and can run from one to three printed pages.

Submissions to the SJP must not have been published previously, or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. All co-authors should read and approve the submitted manuscript and are responsible for the accuracy of the text as presented. presented.


If you are interested to submit a paper for publication in SJP please access to our submission page or contact the editor ( for instructions.