Conflicting of interests policy

To uphold impartiality, reviewers should consider any potential conflict of interest before agreeing to review and should contact the editorial team in the following instances: 

    You are in direct competition with the authors 

    You are a co-worker or collaborator with one of the authors 

    You are in a position to exploit the authors’ work (commercially or otherwise) 

    You may be legally prohibited due to national sanctions 

    You are in a position which prevents you from giving an objective opinion of the work.  

Minor conflicts do not disqualify a potential reviewer from reporting on an article but will be taken into account when considering the reviewers’ recommendations. Major conflicts of interest (especially relating to a financial commercial interest) could disqualify a potential reviewer.  

If you suspect there may be a reason you should not act as a reviewer, please contact the editorial team (editor @ who will be able to investigate and advise. Therefore, if you are unable to act as a reviewer due to a conflict of interest, or do not feel competent enough to evaluate the research presented in the manuscript, you must inform the editor without delay in order to select an alternative reviewer.