Peer review process

The peer review process is a basic and helpful tool to improve both the quality of the submission and the publication and to determine whether an article should be approved or rejected. Reviewers are expected to withdraw from the review process if they feel unqualified to evaluate the submission or unable to inform on it in the deadline and conditions determined by the editor. In addition, reviewers should withdraw from the review process if they are in a situation as the one described in the section "Disclosure and conflict of interests" [For further information, please, click on "Ethics and Malpractice Statement]. Manuscripts for review must be considered confidential documents. Information concerning the manuscripts should not be discussed with others.

"– The reception of original articles is ongoing, not subject to deadlines for calls; however, the closing of each edition occurs on September 1st (articles submitted before will be published in the current issue; those submitted afterward will be published in the following issue).

– Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s OJS platform, after authors register.

– Upon manuscript receipt, the editorial team conducts an initial review to ensure compliance with the journal’s formatting and content guidelines as outlined in the “Author Guidelines” document, with potential rejection if these guidelines are not met. Authors will be notified of the committee’s decision within two weeks.

– Once accepted for evaluation, the fully anonymized manuscript will be sent to two external reviewers whose thematic areas align with the article’s content.

– The double-blind peer review process will be completed within a maximum of four months, with authors notified of the evaluation and final decision regarding article publication through the OJS platform.

– Should the review process be delayed due to external issues, authors will be notified.

– Review decisions may include:

  1. Publishable without comments
  2. Publishable with minor changes (a 15-day period will be provided for considering comments)
  3. Publishable with substantial changes (a one-month period will be provided for considering comments)
  4. Rejected

– If one review recommends rejection while another recommends publication (in any of its three forms a, b, or c), a third evaluation will be sought. The final decision regarding article publication will be communicated along with the review decisions, maintaining anonymity throughout.

– Edited articles will be published on the journal’s website, with authors notified of the issue in which they will be included.


Once suitable reviewers are identified and contacted, manuscripts are sent anonymously, and evaluations must be provided within a maximum of 40 days using the journal’s evaluation format.