Juan’s story: oral archives and performance


  • Sam Bourcier Université de Lille




archive, performance, sex work, politics of visibility


This article investigates the relationship that exists between archive and performance starting from sex workers’ performances. It points out the collective and the communicational scope of auto-archiving with a performance done by Juan Florian Silva and Koriangelis Brawns at the Snap Festival held in Paris in 2018. Rather than simple memory, this use of performance can be thought as an active remembering that is embodied, performative and collective. It is a major departure from the traditional chain production of the archive. It gives way to the creation of archives in loops, the multiplication of circuits of dissemination and archive production, of archive homes, not to be mixed up with the unidimensional politics of visibility from the 90’.


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How to Cite

Bourcier, S. (2020). Juan’s story: oral archives and performance. HYBRIDA, (1(12/2020), 7–24. https://doi.org/10.7203/HYBRIDA.1.16882
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