Rural Development Policy and Cultural Heritage: Some Evidence from Assessment in Castilla y León (Spain)
Rural areas in the European Union are characterised by a rich and diverse cultural, economic and social structure. There exists an extraordinary patchwork of activities with a great variety of landscapes and villages, a unique reserve of diversity, as the Cork Declaration pointed out on 9th November 1996. Enriching this cultural heritage through economic activities to create added value and employment improves the socioeconomic viability and the quality of life in rural areas. Thus, rural development policy takes this fact into account (LEADER approach in the Common Agricultural Policy Second Pillar).
There are many actions related with culture which can be financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). They may be classified in four main intervention areas: the promotion of local identity through intangible cultural heritage (local traditions); the historic buildings rehabilitation and village renewal; the creation of permanent cultural infrastructures (interpretation centres, museums, theatres); and the organization of festivals and other temporary cultural activities.
The aim of this paper is to identify the role that this kind of projects has played, in the overall interventions financed by LEADER Local Development Strategy in the Castilla y León Rural Development Programme. We will assess the main outcomes and the territorial impact, taking the characteristics of the files which have been executed in the 44 Local Action Groups (LAGs) in the region during 2007-2015 as the main sources of information from the Computerised System for Processing LEADERCAL 2007-2013 Grants (STAGAL).
Keywords: Rural development policy; LEADER Strategy; Local Action Groups (LAGs); Cultural heritage.
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