Sectoral innovation systems in the face of sustainable development: the case of economic policy in the agri-food industry of El Salvador
National innovation system concept, which emerged with various works by Freeman, Lundvall and Nelson at the end of the 1980s, is currently one of the pillars of economic policy aimed at improving economic competitiveness. Based on this concept, and with an applied economics perspective, since the beginning of the 21st century, three lines have been explored in depth: 1) the sectoral approach of these systems; 2) their use in low-technology sectors; 3) their application to developing countries.
This paper presents the application of the sectoral innovation system approach to the design of economic policy in the agri-food industry in El Salvador, a low-technology sector in a lower-middle income country, with Salvadoran economic policy being conditioned by the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These paper's conclusions suggest that the Salvadoran agri-food industry, which is currently an emerging sectoral innovation system, can contribute effectively to the achievement of some SDGs. This achievement depends, largely, on the continued support of public authorities for this system through the appropriate use of the different instruments available.
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