Submissions guidelines

Authors wishing to publish a paper in the journal must strictly adhere to the following publication guidelines, otherwise the paper may be rejected.


All papers received must be original and unpublished and must conform to the journal's “Declaration of ethical editorial conduct and rejection of malpractice”, otherwise they will be rejected.


- Submissions can only be sent online through the journal's website. Authors must register with the role of “author” on the journal's website and enter their name and password to be able to submit their work from the “Start a new submission” section.

- The process of submission, processing and publication of papers is free of charge for the authorship.

- The author agrees to communicate in the “Comments to the editor” section of the submission form any existing or potential conflict of interest or competing interests in relation to the material submitted and its possible publication. If there is no such conflict, it must also be stated.


In the articles, the subject analyzed must be adapted to this structure, based on the IMRYD writing model (Introduction, methods, results and discussion), in general:

Abstract/Abstract (as appropriate): It will consist of a single paragraph of at least 200 words in the main language of the text. For research articles, abstracts should give a relevant description of the work. The following style of structured abstracts, but without headings, is strongly recommended: (1) Background: place the question addressed in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study; (2) Methods: briefly describe the main methods or approaches applied; (3) Results: summarize the main findings of the article; (4) Discussion: compare your findings with the literature; and (5) Conclusions: State the main conclusions, recommendations, and future research. Then, in the same language, list a minimum of 3 relevant keywords specific to the article, other than those that make up the title of the article.

Abstract/Resumen (as appropriate): provide the summary of the work previously presented, or an extended version of it, in the second language of the article. Then the key words will be written in the second language of the article.

1. Introduction: This section can be divided into subsections. The introduction should carefully reproduce and review the current state of the field of research and key publications should be properly cited. Please highlight controversial and divergent hypotheses when necessary. At the end of the section you should define the main purpose and objective of the work and its relevance to the state of the art.
2. Methodology: This section can be divided into subsections. If there is an area or case study, it should be clearly presented and described in a broad context and highlight why it is important at the local level. Likewise, the use of cartography is recommended for its geographic location. The sources of work should be listed and justified. The criteria and analysis procedures used in the research will be explained. The goodness of the choice of the method of work of the investigation will be justified in relation, if any, with others used in investigations of similar thematic. Citations to scientific works that have inspired the methodological proposal used will be included.
3. Results: This section can be divided into subsections. It should provide a concise and accurate description of the experimental results, their interpretation and the main innovation issues obtained from the applied analysis.
4. Discussion of results: This section can be divided by subsections. The authorship should discuss, support and compare the results according to the existing literature (using references of similar studies) and how they can be interpreted in the perspective of previous studies and working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest possible context. Future research directions can also be highlighted.
5. Conclusions: The verification of the initial hypotheses raised in the research is related and the interest and novelty of the work for the subject analyzed or the scientific discipline from where it has been approached is justified. This section should be clearly and precisely written. When work on a local scale is approached, based on case studies, conclusions of a transversal nature should be offered in order to advance general knowledge and facilitate its application to other areas of study. This section should also offer a synthesis of the progress represented by the research carried out, its applied interest and possible lines of work to be developed in the future.

Funding (if applicable): In this section you should include references to any donations or financial support from research or administrative institutions (grants, research projects, national support, etc.).

Acknowledgements (if applicable): This optional section may acknowledge any support given that is not covered by the authorship contribution or funding sections. This may include administrative and technical support, or in-kind donations (e.g., materials used for experiments).

Annexes (if applicable): This is an optional section that may contain details and data complementary to the main text. For example, explanations or details that might interrupt the flow of the main text, but are nevertheless still crucial to understanding and reproducing the research shown. All sections of the appendix should be cited in the main text.

References: begin on a new page and follow the 7th edition of APA style.


The articles received must use this template provided by the journal. The document must be in Word® format and A4 size page with 2.5 cm margins. Articles should have a minimum length of 15 pages and a maximum of 25 pages (including references, figures and annexes). The Editorial Team may, if necessary, ask the authors to reduce the length of those papers that can be shortened, and exceptionally, admit those that exceed the referred length.

The font used will be Times New Roman, size 12, single-spaced except for footnotes, which will use size 10.

The title of the article should be in lower case, bold style and centered paragraph. It should be expressive and direct. As a guideline, the title should not exceed a dozen words and should include, where appropriate, the area of study and/or period analyzed.

After the title in the main language, on a separate line, will appear the title written in the second language of the text, in lower case, bold, italics and centered paragraph. Then, on a separate line for each author, the name and surname of each member of the authorship, in lowercase and centered. A footnote will include the full affiliation, e-mail and Orcid ID of each author. This last identifier is mandatory to guarantee the correct attribution of the published material. The author should also be identified by an asterisk for correspondence. The Editorial Team will remove any identifying information (authorship data, self-citations, references, metadata with personal information, etc.) before sending for review and will take the necessary actions to guarantee the anonymity of the authorship.

This will be followed by an unnumbered abstract and keywords in the main language of the paper. Then, on a separate line, there will be the abstract and keywords in the second language of the text, also unnumbered.

The different sections of the text should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, followed by a period, in lower case and bold (except for the summary, abstract, possible acknowledgements, annexes and references, which are not numbered). Headings up to third level (Section 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., etc.) should be used. Fourth level headings ( should be avoided. The subdivision of headings is not appropriate when there is only one category (there will not be a 1.1. if there is no 1.2.)

To enclose clarifications or sub-headings, a dash (-) should be used. E.g.: the existing bibliography -even in Spanish- is quite extensive.

The hyphen (-) will be used to link compound words, establish relationships between concepts or proper names. E.g.: historical-critical; Tagus-Segura; cost-benefit.


- In texts written in Spanish, the period will be used to separate numbers of more than four digits and the comma to separate the integer part from the decimal part. E.g.: 10,235.37

- In texts written in English, the comma will be used to separate numbers with more than four digits and the period to separate the integer part from the decimal part. Ex: 10,235.37

This guideline is extensive to any graphic element that nourishes the work.


Only figures and tables should be used. These will be numbered consecutively (Figure 1., Table 1., etc.) and will appear in the paper in their corresponding place. Each one of them will have a brief title at the top and its source will be cited below. If the figure/table requires explanatory text, this should be arranged as a caption below the figure and on a separate line before the source and/or elaboration. The source and/or elaboration should appear as follows:

- Source: (if applicable)” and then, separated by a period and followed by ‘Own elaboration’ (if applicable).

- In the case of a table or figure of authorship should appear only “Own elaboration”, without the word “source”.

- And if it is a photograph of the author, it should be indicated: “Photograph of the author(s)” (without the word “source”).

Figures cannot occupy more than one full page, tables can.

In case of acceptance of the work to be published, the journal will request the authorship to send the figures and tables individually from the website in JPEG, TIFF, PSD or PDF format, in color and necessarily have sufficient quality and size to be reproduced optimally (recommended 300 dpi resolution).

The author shall ensure that he/she does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any graphic material used in his/her text that does not belong to him/her.


They will always be numbered in Arabic numerals (including those that may appear in the titles of the papers).

They will be used only when absolutely necessary. Their purpose will never be to contain only quotations -which must be included in the text- or references -whose development corresponds to the final section called “References”-.

They will not be admitted at the end of the article, as plain text or similar.


The 7th edition of the APA style will be used in its original version in English.

  • DATES:

Structure according to the number of authors:

- Citation of work with an author: the author is cited in each citation.

Examples: (Sánchez, 2020); Sánchez (2020).

- Work citation with two authors: Both authors are included in each citation joined by “&” if the citation is in parentheses and by “and/y”, as appropriate, if it is narrative.

- Citation of work with three or more authors: Only the name of the first author followed by the expression “et al.” is included in each citation, even in the first one.

- If an author has more than one publication in the same year, a lowercase letter is added to the date in the citation to distinguish them.

    Examples: (Cuadrado, 2020a); (Cuadrado, 2020b).

- When citing a work prepared by an organization or entity, the first citation should include the full name, followed by the abbreviation. In the following citations, the abbreviated name may be included.

        Examples 1st citation: (United Nations Organization [UN], 2024); United Nations Organization (UN, 2024)

            Examples of subsequent citations: (UN, 2024); UN (2024).

Direct or textual quotations:

- Short textual quotation: if it contains less than 40 words, it is incorporated into the text between quotation marks, without italics and will include the authorship, year and page/s where the quotation is located.

Example 1: “Modernity, with its demands, made obsolete structures that for centuries had ensured life in the city” (Riera et al., 2020, p. 65).

Example 2: According to Riera et al. (2020) “Modernity, with its demands, made obsolete structures that for centuries had ensured life in the city” (p. 65).

- Long textual quotation: if it occupies more than 40 words, it is placed in an independent paragraph, indented on the left, without quotation marks, without italics, and without indentation of the first line and after the period. The data of authorship, year and page/s where the quotation is located may be indicated within a parenthesis or in narrative form.

- No se puede omitir una parte del texto citado sin señalarse con puntos suspensivos entre paréntesis (...). Y cualquier adición o explicación que se inserte ha de aparecer entre corchetes [ ].

Ejemplo: “El detrimento de la eficacia institucional (...) ha tenido un impacto directo, negativo y catalizador [según este autor] sobre la vulnerabilidad biofísica ante los procesos de crisis”. (López García, 2023, p. 33)


- The section will be titled “References”, will appear at the end of the article, will begin on a new page and will contain only the sources that support the research and that have been used for the preparation of the work (it does not use bibliography). Therefore, each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text and vice versa.

- References should appear in alphabetical order and in lower case.

- Write the name of each author, in the reference list and in the citation, exactly as it appears in the published work, including one or two surnames joined, or not, with hyphens.

- Works by the same author are ordered chronologically, with the oldest appearing first. References to the author alone will appear first, and works with other authors will appear second. When several works by the same author appear, the name is repeated for each entry.

- If the documents have a DOI or, failing that, a URL, it must be included as part of the reference.

- The journal does not publish papers with a high rate of self-citation. Self-citations are considered citations to papers published by other authors in the journal itself or to previous works of the author in the same journal, other journals or other scientific publications.

- Up to 20 authors may be included, separated by commas and including “&” before the last author. If the reference has 21 or more authors, the first 19 authors are included, followed by three ellipses (...) and the name of the last author.

- References should follow the original English scheme and respect the following structure:

Libro: Apellido, N., & Apellido, N. (año). Título. Editorial. DOI o URL (si tuviera).

 Ejemplo: Ruiz Gutiérrez, J. I., García Álvarez, J., & Fonseca Alfosea, F. J. (2024). Política de la Unión Europea. Síntesis.

Libro con n° de edición o volumen: Apellido, N. (año). Título (nº ed., vol. nº). Editorial. DOI o URL (si tuviera).

Ejemplo: Gil Olcina, A., & Olcina Cantos, J. (2021). Tratado de economía (2nd ed.). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante.

Libro con editor/a: Apellido, N. (Ed.). (año). Título. Editorial. DOI o URL (si tuviera).

Ejemplo: Bellis, G., Carella, M., Léger, J.-F., & Parant, A. (Eds.). (2021). Populations et crises en Méditerranée. Edizioni Franco Angeli.

Capítulo de libro con editor: Apellido, N. (año). Título del capítulo, entrada o contribución. In N. Apellido editor & N. Apellido editor (Eds.), Título del libro (nº ed., vol. nº, pp. xx‐xx). Editorial. DOI o URL (si tuviera).

Ejemplo: Pérez, S., Ribas, A., & Pavón, D. (2023). Gestionar desde la territorialidad: ¿cómo integrar la multifuncionalidad y la participación social en la legitimación del regadío?. In C. Sanchis-Ibor, G. Palau-Salvador, I. Mangue-Alférez y L. P. Martínez-Sanmartín (Eds.), Irrigation, Society and Landscape. Tribute to Thomas F. Glick (pp. 701-719). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.

Artículo de revista: Apellido, N. (año). Título del artículo. Título de la publicación, volumen(número), pp-pp. DOI o URL (si tuviera).

Ejemplo: Gutiérrez-Fernández, O., & García, L. V. (2020). ¿Influyen tiempo y clima en la distribución de la renta? Una revisión desde una perspectiva biogeográfica. Investigaciones Económicas, (73), 31-55.

- Advance online publication: Last name, N. (year). Title of the article. Title of publication. Advance online publication. DOI or URL (if available).

- With missing information: if the journal does not use volumes, numbers or page numbers, the missing element(s) in the reference is omitted. If the journal article has an article number instead of a page range, the word “Article” is included and then the article number instead of the page range.

Ejemplo: Dorninger, C., Hornborg, A., Abson, D. J., von Wehrden, H., Schaffartzik, A., Giljum, S., Engler, J.-O., Feller, R. L. Hubacek, K., & Wieland, H. (2021). Global patterns of ecologically unequal exchange: Implications for sustainability in the 21st century. Ecological Economics, 179, Article 106824.

Artículo de periódico: Apellido, N. (fecha en inglés). Título del artículo. Título del Periódico. URL (si tuviera).

Ejemplo: Moreno, C. (2020, March 13). Una visión urbana sobre la crisis del coronavirus. El País. 

Theses and dissertations:

- Unpublished: Last name, N. (Year). Title of thesis or work [Type of thesis or unpublished work]. Institution awarding the degree.

  Ejemplo: Tortosa, S. E. (2022). Infraestructura, actores y territorio (Puerto de Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina). Globalización y descentralización [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Universidad Nacional del Sur.

- Published: Last name, N. (Year). Title of thesis or paper [Type of thesis or paper, Institution granting the degree]. Repository, file or database that hosts it. URL (if available).

   Ejemplo: Albarado, A. (2023). Los recursos no convencionales en el metabolismo económico de la provincia de Alicante [Doctoral thesis, Universidad de Alicante]. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante.


The corresponding author, whose profile on the platform provides real-time information on the status of his/her work, will receive a single design proof in .pdf format once the entire evaluation process has been completed. The author must, within 7 days, reply indicating the possible corrections to be applied, if possible inserted as notes in the .pdf document. These will be of the type of punctual spelling corrections and small typos, it will not be possible to add texts, figures... or to request significant variations in this phase of the process. Once the deadline has passed without any response to the proof, the Editorial Team will decide whether or not to publish the work.

Once each paper has been accepted and edited, an unpaginated version will be published, not assigned to any issue (continuous publication) and the full authorship of the article will be notified via e-mail that their paper has been published and is accessible. Each time the journal publishes a new issue, a communication will be sent via email to all registered users of the journal to notify the availability of new content and the news that have occurred in the journal since the last communication. Likewise, published articles will also be disseminated through the magazine's social networks and other available dissemination channels.


In the case of papers signed by more than one author, International Review of Economic Policy -Revista Internacional de Política Económica (IREP) will correspond with the person who has been designated as the “main contact for editorial correspondence” during the submission.

Any communication that an author or reviewer wishes to establish with the journal should preferably be done from the file of the paper that is the subject of the message, in the editorial platform.

The submission of an original paper to Investigaciones Geográficas implies the acceptance of all the above publication rules by the author.

Post-publication debate and management of any changes and corrections to published articles

In case the committee or editorial board detects any mistake or error in the published papers, the author will be notified for the corresponding correction or retraction.


Several aspects reflect the existence of a high level of internationalization. In particular, with regard to journals or monograph collections, they can be summarized as follows:

- Presence of articles in several languages, preferably in English.
- Presence of articles or chapters by authors from different countries.
- Presence of papers signed in international collaboration (paradoxically, the participation of a large number of authors, which may be a consequence of the involvement of several research institutions.
- Presence of foreign members in the editorial team.