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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  •         BEFORE STARTING       

    Please follow the ethical standards for scientific publications.

    • The research must be new and original.

    • The data and results presented cannot be copied, invented, distorted, or manipulated.

    • The works submitted must be original and previously unpublished

    • Please ensure that the source of ideas or literal phrases taken from published works are adequately identified, in accordance with the journal’s citation rules.

    • The authors are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of any personal data obtained during the research process.

    • If the research has been funder, the funder must be stated.

    • Check that the file has been anonymized following the instructions.


    • The originality of the paper must be guaranteed.

    • By submitting the article, you guarantee that there is no plagiarism, self-plagiarism or duplicate publication.

    • A paper that expands on another may be submitted, provided that the text on which it is based is properly cited and that the modifications involve substantial changes.

    • Secondary publications aimed at a different audience are acceptable, but this must be specified in the text and the original publication must be properly cited.

    • The authors shall inform the publisher of any publication that deals with the same or similar subject and has a coincidence of more than 30% in substance or form.

    Plagiarism is:

    • Presenting someone else's work as one's own.

    • Using literal or paraphrased quotations without indicating the source.

    • Including phrases, concepts, or ideas from others without citing the source or citing it incorrectly.

    • Abusively using other people's phrases and ideas, even if the source is cited.

    Self-plagiarism is:

    • Redundantly reusing one's own work without properly citing it.

    • Submitting to the journal texts already published or that are part of an editorial project in another journal or publication.

    • Sending originals submitted to this journal to another journal or publishing house before receiving notification of rejection or confirmation of voluntary withdrawal.


    • Persons who have made a substantive contribution should be listed as authors.

    • The order of authorship should be based on the weight of the scientific or professional contribution of each author.


    • The person acting as interlocutor with the journal should ensure that the persons who have contributed to the research are acknowledged.

    • No person responsible for the work should be omitted or added when they are not.

    • The person who acts as interlocutor with the journal will be responsible for submitting the text agreed upon and approved by the authors.


    • Articles should be submitted online using this website.

    • The submission of articles must honor the deadlines established in the calls for papers for the relevant issue.

    • Articles may be submitted in Catalan, English, and Spanish. To submit articles in other languages with the aim of promoting and recognizing the language rights of their users, please seek the approval of the Editorial Board, who must ensure peer-review and proof-reading are possible.

    • Articles should always be submitted with an English version of the title, keywords, and abstract for indexing purposes.

    • The layout version of the articles will be sent to the corresponding author for review prior to publication.

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    • The title of the article should reflect the content of the paper, it should be brief, clear, and specific, with a maximum length of two lines. It should contain the main keywords and should be written in a scientific style.

    • Please do not set your title using all caps, neither in the files nor in this form.

    • The submission should contain an abstract in the original language of the article (150-200 words).

    • Please include 4 to 6 keywords which should be taken from reference works in the field. Keywords are used for the automatic indexing of articles. Therefore, please choose them carefully and avoid terms that are too generic. Words should be separated by a semicolon, with a period after the last word; the first word should be capitalized.

    • An English version of the title, keywords, and abstract must be provided.

    • Please provide a biographical summary of a maximum of about 600 characters including spaces. You may include your most important published works, research lines and projects, awards, and stays at other institutions. Please include your current position and institutional address and ORCID number.

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    • The maximum length of articles is 10,000 words (including footnotes and references).

    • If articles exceed the above amount, they may be rejected.

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Author Guidelines

Journal of Language Rights & Minorities,
Revista de Drets Lingüístics i Minories

Bibliographic Style (CMS Author-Date)

Articles submitted to Just. Journal of Linguistic Rights & Minorities, Revista de Drets Lingüístics i Minories should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words (exclusive of abstract and references, including footnotes) and follow the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS, Author-Date, 17th edition). These guidelines are provided to highlight key issues contained therein, but they also contain journal-specific usage. Authors may refer to CMS to solve any issues not contained herein. For submissions in Catalan or Spanish, please refer to the language-specific guidelines provided in the journal’s webpage.

1. Overview

In compliance with the ethical requirements for scholarly work, the articles published by Just must clearly provide any relevant references to the knowledge basis on which they elaborate. The purpose of citations is to guarantee that authorship is respected, that any involuntary plagiarism is avoided, and that your readership is able to contrast, expand on, and verify the data on which the articles are based. The works published by Just aim at contributing to the collective construction of rigorous knowledge and to the circulation of scientific and cultural heritage on linguistic rights.

Just has selected the Chicago Author-Date style (17th edition) on four grounds: because it is a widely known style, because it is supported by the most common reference management systems, because it clearly shows the year of publication of the works used, and because it makes the gender of the authors visible by making the full name explicit and thus countering the gender bias in the attribution of scientific authority. If you’re using a reference management system, please beware that the templates used may contain mistakes and inconsistencies. Review your reference list before submitting your article.

The Chicago Author-Date style uses an in-text parenthetical system and provides the complete reference of the works at the end of the article, alphabetically ordered by the last name of the first author. The in-text parenthetical system consists of the last name(s) of the author(s), the year of publication of the work, and the pages where the text that supports a statement or idea can be found. There is no intervening punctuation between the author and the year of publication, and a comma is used before the page number(s), when relevant. This in-text parenthetical reference should be placed right after the statement based on the quoted text or after the literal reproduction of that text.

Please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style for issues related to spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and elements of style. These guidelines provide some key information to facilitate its use. Authors submitting articles in either Catalan or Spanish should refer to the language-specific guidelines found in the journal’s website. These guidelines are subject to possible future clarifications and additions.

2. Types of citations

Regardless of the type of citation, the author(s) of the works on which the article is based must be credited. To do so, a reference must be used allowing for the source of the information or data provided to be found, the interpretation presented to be confirmed, or the knowledge to be expanded by reference to the source. This requires some information to be provided, including the page number or range of pages where the relevant text fragment can be located.

Direct quotation: When the text from another work is literally reproduced, quotation marks are used.

The threat of minority to dominant languages is wired in linguistic communities and enacted in interaction. Particularly concerning is the “prejudice that the use of a minority language in public is an act in opposition to the dominant group” (Dołowy-Rybińska 2021, 13).

Indirect quotation: When quoting ideas, data, or text from another work, in a way that does not literally reproduce the text, please do not use quotation marks.

The use of corpus methods in the field of law, both in scholarly reflection and in the practical resolution of cases, has been reported in reviews highlighting uses that do not represent academically accepted inference rules (Solan 2020).

In the case of direct quotations (literal reproduction), please pay attention to the length of the quote. Any citation below four lines can be set as an in-text quotation. If the quoted text exceeds four lines, please use a separate paragraph and indent that paragraph 1 centimeter from the left margin. Please use the same font size in the indented quotation as in the rest of the text. Indented citations are not to be set between quotation marks. Use one blank line to separate the citation from the main text.

Traditionally, linguistic rights have been pushed by the international community to ensure political and social stability. When the strategy fails, adjudication may be one of the resources. And yet, the real impact of the courts is limited:

Constitutional or supreme courts are just one of the players in the game. At best, they can structure the debate and set up the procedural and substantive framework for managing conflict. They can also enhance the capacity of the parties to negotiate their disagreements, which is particularly important when one of the parties—generally the sub-state entity desiring to secede or to change its status—has scarce legal and political resources to persuade the other party or parties to amend the constitutional framework. (Arzoz & Suksi 2018, 24) 

Quotations in foreign languages are not to be set in italics, irrespective of whether they appear in line with the rest of the text and enclosed in quotation marks or in a separate paragraph without quotation marks. We encourage the use of a published translation of the work into the main language of the article when possible and require the translation of any text reproduced in languages that are not common in scientific communication in a footnote.

Debates over which language(s) are to be used in primary education combine a genuine interest in the higher interest of the child “amb altres interessos menys immaculats, tals com la defensa del dret a treballar en l'ensenyament dels monolingües i/o dels bilingües”1 (Vila 1997, 138).

1 “with other less immaculate interests, such as the defense of the right of monolingual and/or bilingual individuals to work as teachers”

In both direct and indirect quotations, parenthetical or narrative quotations are possible.

Parenthetical quotation: when a text is literally reproduced and enclosed in quotation marks, the full in-text reference should be placed between parentheses (family name, year of publication, and page or pages, if any) after the text of the quotation.

Rao et al. highlight the relevance of the domestic work performed by migrants during the Covid-19 pandemic and how these migrants, mostly women, “are both essential and excluded workers – essential to social protection systems yet excluded from many rights and protections afforded other, native workers” (Rao et al. 2021, 266).

Narrative quotation: when we first mention the author and then introduce either an idea or a literal reproduction from a different text, the family name(s) of the author(s) is removed from the parenthetical reference, and the date and page, if applicable, is included within the parentheses.

As Riera-Gil states, the challenges presented to linguistic minorities today are formidable (2022, 15).

3. Punctuation

Closing quotation marks follow periods and commas, irrespective of their appearing in the quoted material. Colons and semicolons, however, follow closing quotation marks. Question marks and exclamation points follow closing quotation marks unless they belong within the quoted matter.

A parenthetical reference can be placed right after the quoted text, the idea, or the author(s) in a narrative quote. In the latter case, it may not be necessary to repeat the name in the in-text quote, and the date and page, if any, would suffice. When the parenthetical reference is placed right after the quoted text, the in-text reference will always be placed after the closing quotation marks and before the punctuation mark. Compare these examples:

Mannoni (2021, 1383), through the analysis of the metaphors used in legal discourse, observes that the goodness of rights is a culturally dominant perception: “[T]he current moral and legal meanings attached to the word ‘right’, meaning ‘just, good, fair’ vel sim, come from the physical, concrete and body-related meanings straight, i.e. not bent, and upright.”

The goodness of rights as a culturally dominant perception has also been observed in the analysis of the metaphors used in legal discourse: “[T]he current moral and legal meanings attached to the word ‘right’, meaning ‘just, good, fair’ vel sim, come from the physical, concrete and body-related meanings straight, i.e. not bent, and upright” (Mannoni 2021, 1383).

Ellipses are omissions of a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage. Ellipses are to be marked using three spaced periods, irrespective of the language of the quotation.

De-rooting rights and grafting them into another sociocultural context can disrupt personal relationships because rights are the product of a conceptualization of the environment around us and are used as cultural artifacts and tools for social structuring: “[T]he ways in which the idea of a right travels . . . can produce and influence categories of people” (Hunter & Morrell 2021, 353).

Modifications in quoted excerpts. The first letter of a quotation may be modified from uppercase to lowercase or vice versa to match the syntax. Please indicate any change of uppercase or lowercase letters by inserting the modified letter in brackets.

Monolingualism needs to defined as an ideology within its limited historical framework. Indeed, “[f]or most of recorded time, multilingual societies have been the rule, not the exception” (Guy 1989, 45).

Serial commas. The serial comma, also known as the Oxford comma, is the comma used before the conjunction that joins the last two elements in a series of three or more. Please use serial commas as a means to enhance clarity. However, when an ampersand is used instead of the word and (as in company names), the serial comma is omitted.

4. Parenthetical references

The in-text reference to author(s), year, and page(s), if any, should be set like this:

(Mowbray 2012, 202)

Various authors. Use ampersand instead of and when citing works by two or more authors in in-text references.

(Murray, De Meulder & le Maire 2018)

For four or more authors, please use et al. (et alii, ‘and others’, without italics) after the name of the first author, with no comma before et al. However, all authors are to be listed in the reference list at the end of the paper.

(Berghs et al. 2017)

Berghs, Maria, Karl Atkin, Hilary Graham, Chris Hatton & Carol Thomas. 2017. “Public health, research and rights: The perspectives of deliberation panels with politically and socially active disabled people.” Disability & Society 32 (7): 945-965.

When there are several sources within the same parenthetical reference, the references are separated by semicolons. These are to be ordered chronologically, but works by the same author should be listed consequently. Different works from different years by the same author are also separated by semicolons.

(de Varennes 2001; Rogers et al. 2021)

(Cronin 2006; 2010)

When citing several works from the same year by the same author(s), please list them in alphabetical order by their title, and number them using lower-case letters. Please do not set the letters that follow the year in italics.

(Orts Llopis 2016a; 2016b)

Authors with the same last name and different first names. To distinguish references by authors (or editors) that share the same family name but have different first names, please add their initial followed by a full stop before the surname in in-text references. If their initials are the same, please use their full first names.

(C. F. Wright 2014; C. J. Wright 2020)

(Charles J. Wright 2005; Christopher J. Wright 2020)

Institutional authorship. If a work is authored by an institution rather than an individual person, the name of the institution is used as a surname. Acronyms can be used as long as they are displayed in both the text and the reference list.

[…] the rules of procedure of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 1946).

UNGA (General Assembly of the United Nations). 1946. Rules of procedure concerning languages. London: United Nations.

Unknown date. When a work is undated, please use the abbreviation "n.d." (no date). In the parenthetical reference, the last name and the date should be separated by a comma in the parenthetical reference and a period in the reference list at the end of the article.

(BVDÜB, n.d.)

Range of years. For works consisting of volumes published in different years or with periodically updated works, the range of years can be included in the parenthetical reference (and in the reference list).

(Gambier & van Doorslaer 2004-2022)

Forthcoming publication. When we do not know the final date of publication of any reference, even though there is an official acceptance or contract with the publisher, the formula "forthcoming" is used after a comma. Please only cite documents that already have a definitive title and have been definitely accepted for publication.

(O’Brien & Cadwell, forthcoming)

O'Brien, Sharon & Patrick Cadwell. Forthcoming. “Communicating Covid-19 in multiple languages: A maturity model assessment of Ireland’s crisis communication practice.” Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law 77.

Number of pages or other locators. If you refer to the location of a specific passage within the original reference using pages, please do not use any further abbreviation or word to introduce the pages. The page or page range will follow a comma after the year of publication. For other locators, please use the relevant abbreviation among the following:

Paragraphs: please use «par.» or the fermata symbol ¶, preceded by a comma.

Sections: please use «sec.» or the symbol §, preceded by a comma.

Chapters: please use «c.», preceded by a comma.

Volumes: please use «v.», preceded by a comma.

Notes: please use «n.», preceded by a comma.

Headings: please use «in + heading name», preceded by a comma.

Comments on the citation. If you add comments after the reference, they should be separated by a semicolon.

“[T]he question about the right to receive one’s education in one’s native tongue is complex and though there is evidence to demonstrate that a child learns better in this language, it may become a handicap later in his/her school career if it is at the expense of learning a more widely spoken language necessary to avail himself/herself of employment opportunities” (Craith 2007, 58; emphasis added)

Family name conventions. For cultures where two or more last names are used to identify a person, authors have the option of establishing a preferred name in their OrcID record. This name may include a single last name, an initial for the first surname and the second surname as the surname, both surnames with a hyphen, with and or a space, and so on. Authors need to make it known through the OrcID their preferred ‘published name’, and they are asked to respect authors’ choices.

Castelló-Cogollos, Rafael (not “Castelló, Rafael” nor “Castelló Cogollos, Rafael”)

Afonso, Tereza (not “Passos e Sousa Marques Afonso, Tereza”)

Crezee, Ineke (not “Crezee, Ineke Hendrika Martine”)

Mellinger, Christopher D. (not “Mellinger, Christopher”)

Vila, F. Xavier (not “Vila i Moreno, Francesc Xavier”)

5. References section

The last section of the article (excluding appendices, if any) should be called "References" and should include only the cited references. The following are brief guidelines on how to create this list following Chicago Manual of Style (CMS 2017, 752 ff.).

Internal punctuation of titles. The titles of the works are internally punctuated following the rules of the language of the cited work.

Foucault, Michel. 1966. Les mots et les choses : une archéologie des sciences humaines. Paris: Gallimard.

Reprint editions and reeditions. To indicate the original year of a reprinted or reedited work, please place the original year first enclosed in parentheses and then the year of any reprint edition or reedition. In the in-text quote, the original year should be placed in square brackets. If page numbers are mentioned, specify the edition cited in the reference list unless pagination is the same.

(de Tocqueville [1835] 2013)

de Tocqueville, Alexis. (1835) 2013. Democracy in America. Edited by Henry Reeve. Hazleton: Pennsylvania State University. Citations refer to the 2013 edition.

If the date of the original is not considered relevant, please include that date at the end of the reference.

de Tocqueville, Alexis. 2013. Democracy in America. Edited by Henry Reeve. Hazleton: Pennsylvania State University (first published in 1835).

URL and DOI. Please include URLs at the end of the reference before the DOI, if applicable, and place a period between both and at the end of the reference. This period is not to be set as part of the URL. Please include all the DOIs for your references in the reference list.

Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República. 2012. Resolución Administrativa N° 499-2012-P-PJ. Perú: Poder Judicial. 499 2012 CE PJ.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=41b833804de476f89bc1bb9c7fcd6993.

Agcam, Reyhan, Yunus Emre Akbana & Stefan Rathert. 2021. “Dealing with emergency remote teaching: The case of pre-service English language teachers in Turkey.” Journal of Language and Education 7 (4): 16-29.

Place of publication. The place of publication of the works must be in the language in which the article is written. If the publisher has different offices, please use one only.

Voloshinov, Valentin N. 2000. "Multiaccentuality and the sign." In The Routledge language and cultural theory reader, edited by Lucy Burke, Tony Crowley & Alan Girvin, 39-47. London: Routledge.

Specific examples. Please find below examples of how to quote the most frequent works following the CMS style.

Journal Article

Issue only

van Dyke, Vernon. 1976. "Human rights without distinction as to language." International Studies Quarterly 20: 3-18.

Issue and number

Borgwardt, Elizabeth. 2008. “A new deal for the Nuremberg trial: the limits of law in generating human rights norms.” Law and History Review 26 (3): 679-705.

Issue and part or number supplement

Castelló-Cogollos, Rafael. 2017. "States, nations, and societies: a case study of Valencia." Debats: Revista de Cultura, Poder i Societat 2, extraordinary number: 33-46.

Book Section

May, Stephen. 2017. "National and ethnic minorities. Language rights and recognition." In The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language, edited by Suresh Canagarajah, 149-167. London: Routledge.


Doyle, Margaret & Nick O'Brien. 2020. Reimagining administrative justice. Human rights in small places. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited Book

Anthonissen, Christine & Jan Blommaert, eds. 2007. Discourse and human rights violations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Tomasevski, Katarina. 2004. Manual on rights-based education: global human rights requirements made simple. UNESCO (Bangkok).

Doctoral Dissertation

Tasa Fuster, Vicenta. 2016. Drets lingüístics i ordenament constitucional. Seguretat lingüística vs. jerarquia lingüística. Un estudi comparat de Suïssa i Espanya (Linguistic rights and constitutional system. Language Security vs linguistic hierarchy. A comparative study of Switzerland and Spain). Unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Constitutional Law, Political Science, and Administration, Universitat de València.


Wales. National Assembly. 2018. Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (Wales) (Act) 2018. Adopted 9 August 2018.

Country. Institution that passed the law. Year. Law Title. Law type Law number. Adopted date adopted. URL (if applicable).

Videos (online)

History Vids. 2015. "Battle of Waterloo in 2 Minutes." YouTube, 7 February 2015. Video, 2:08.

Author. Year. "Video Title." Recording details. Website Title, date of publication. Video, duration. URL.

6. References cited in in-text quotations

Arzoz, Xabier & Markku Suksi. 2018. "Comparing constitutional adjudication of self-determination claims." Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 25 (4): 452-475.

Berghs, Maria, Karl Atkin, Hilary Graham, Chris Hatton & Carol Thomas. 2017. “Public health, research and rights: The perspectives of deliberation panels with politically and socially active disabled people.” Disability & Society 32 (7): 945-965.

BVDÜB (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer Bayern). n.d. Allgemeine Leitlinie für die Anfertigung von Urkundenübersetzungen in Bayern. BVDÜB (Baviera).

Craith, Máiréad Nic. 2007. Language, power and identity politics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cronin, Michael. 2006. Translation and Identity. London: Routledge.

Cronin, Michael. 2010. "Knowing one's place: Travel, difference and translation." Translation Studies 3 (3): 334-348.

de Tocqueville, Alexis. (1835) 2013. Democracy in America. Edited by Henry Reeve. Hazleton: Pennsylvania State University.

de Varennes, Fernand. 2001. "Language rights as an integral part of human rights." International Journal on Multicultural Societies 3 (1): 15-25.

Dołowy-Rybińska, Nicole. 2021. "Learning Upper Sorbian. The problems with minority language education for non-native pupils in the Upper Sorbian Grammar School in Bautzen/Budysin." International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 24 (4): 500-514.

Gambier, Yves & Luc van Doorslaer (ed.). 2004-2022. Translation studies bibliography. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Guy, Gregory R. 1989. "International perspectives on linguistic diversity and language rights." Language Problems and Language Planning 13 (1): 45-53.

Hunter, Mark & Robert Morrell. 2021. “Corporal punishment and gender equality: Regimes of care and rights in South African schools.” Journal of Gender Studies 30 (3): 344-357.

Mannoni, Michele. 2021. “Rights metaphors across hybrid legal languages, such as Euro English and legal Chinese.” International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 34 (5): 1375-1399.

Mowbray, Jacqueline. 2012. Linguistic justice. International law and language policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Murray, Joseph J., Maartje De Meulder & Delphine le Maire. 2018. "An education in Sign Language as a human right?: The sensory exception in the legislative history and ongoing interpretation of article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities." Human Rights Quarterly 40 (1): 37-60.

O'Brien, Sharon & Patrick Cadwell. Forthcoming. “Communicating Covid-19 in multiple languages: A maturity model assessment of Ireland’s crisis communication practice.” Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law 77.

Orts Llopis, María Ángeles. 2016. “An approach to the study of public law: A pragmatic discursive analysis of judicial decisions in Spanish and English.” Fachsprache. Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication 38 (1-2): 67-83.

Orts Llopis, María Ángeles. 2016. “Power distance and persuasion: The tension between imposition and legitimation in international legal genres.” Journal of Pragmatics 92: 1-16.

Rao, Smriti, Sarah Gammage, Julia Arnold & Elizabeth Anderson. 2021. “Human mobility, COVID-19, and policy responses: The rights and claims-making of migrant domestic workers.” Feminist Economics 27 (1-2): 254-270.

Riera-Gil, Elvira. 2022. “Linguistic rights and duties of immigrants and national identity in Catalonia: Between accommodation and transformation.” Nations and Nationalism 28 (2): 483-500.

Rogers, Richard, Amor A. Correa, John W. Donnelly, II & Eric Y. Drogin. 2021. "Protecting the rights of the accused: Use of Spanish-language Miranda warnings in central Florida." Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 32 (1): 119-130.

Solan, Lawrence M. 2020. "Corpus linguistics as a method of legal interpretation: Some progress, some questions." International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 33 (2): 283-298.

UNGA (General Assembly of the United Nations). 1946. Rules of procedure concerning languages. London: United Nations.

Vila, F. Xavier. 1997. “La noció de l'ús en la planificació lingüística de l'ensenyament.” Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law 27: 131-152.

Voloshinov, Valentin N. 2000. “Multiaccentuality and the sign.” In The Routledge language and cultural theory reader, edited by Lucy Burke, Tony Crowley & Alan Girvin, 39-47. London: Routledge.

Wright, Charles J. 2005. "Different interpretations of ‘evidence’ and implications for the Canadian healthcare system." In Access to care, access to justice: The legal debate over private health insurance in Canada, edited by Flood Colleen M, Kent Roach, Lorne Sossin & Colleen Flood, 220–233. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Wright, Chris F. 2014. “Why do states adopt liberal immigration policies? The policymaking dynamics of skilled visa reform in Australia.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (2): 306-328.

Wright, Christopher J. 2020. “Sometimes they come back: Responding to American foreign fighter returnees and other elusive threats.” Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 12 (1): 1-16. 


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