Flamenco schools and functional diversity: a view from inclusion in Granada
Flamenco, Disability, Non-formal Education.Abstract
This work aims to study the teaching-learning processes of flamenco dance in the non-formal context of the flamenco schools of Granada. Thus, its objectives are to find out if they attract people with functional diversity and to determine the pedagogical approach that these centers take with respect to such diversity in any of its typologies (physical, sensory, intellectual, and psychic). To this end, a qualitative research in three phases has been designed that has allowed (1) the identification and characterization of all of the flamenco schools in the indicated city, (2) the conduct of semi-directed interviews with 13 of their directors and teachers, and (3) the elaboration of life stories of five students with functional diversity (intellectual, physical, and sensorial) who come to such centers. The results suggest that teachers suffer from a lack of training in adapting their teaching to include people with disabilities, despite the fact that there is great empathy towards this type of student. Thus, adaptations are often practiced intuitively, leading flamenco to become an inclusive practice in a significant number of cases.
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