Lorenzo, O., López, R.N. y Latorre, I.S. (2016). Contexto Profesional de los Maestros de Música: Una Perspectiva Internacional. Málaga: Ediciones Aljibe


  • Alfredo Bautista




Music Teaching, Job Placement, Music Education.


This book develops a complete, systematic and original critical analysis of the professional profile of the Music teacher in Primary Education, addressing key aspects such as initial training, induction to teaching and socio-professional insertion, employability, continuous training and professional development, or its image and social recognition. This analysis adopts an international perspective, describing and contrasting Music Education systems in numerous countries and territories on three continents: Europe, America and Africa.

Author Biography

Alfredo Bautista

Associate Professor & Associate Head. Department of Early Childhood Education


Bautista, A., Stanley, A.M. y Candusso, F. (2021, en prensa). Policy strategies to remedy isolation of specialist arts and music teachers. Arts Education Policy Review. doi: 10.1080/10632913.2020.1746713

Lorenzo, O., López, R.N. y Latorre, I.S. (2016). Contexto profesional de los maestros de Música. Una perspectiva internacional. Málaga: Ediciones Aljibe.

Murillo, A., Riaño, MªE. y Berbel, N. (2019). El aula como caja de resonancia para la creación sonora: Nuevas arquitecturas y herramientas tecnológicas para acercar el arte sonoro al ámbito educativo. Revista Electrónica de LEEME, 43, 1-18. doi: 10-7203/LEEME.43.14007

Tejada, J. (2004). Música y mediación de la tecnología en sus procesos de aprendizaje. Educación XX1, 7, 15-26.

West, J.J. y Bautista, A. (2020). Greater than the sum of its parts: Promoting systemness in music and arts teacher professional development. Arts Education Policy Review, 122 (1). doi: 10.1080/10632913.2020.1746716





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