Contributions from tradition to music education


  • María Cecilia Jorquera Conservatorio de Venezia



Music Education, Oral Tradition, Popular Culture.


I deliberately chose for this intervention an ambiguous title that can offer some interesting ideas for reflection. The most obvious ambiguity lies in the word "tradition" that, in the context in which we are in dialogue, may be considered as a matter of course. However, I believe that a clarification of the term is not superfluous: we refer to oral tradition. It is then to be clarified what might be of interest to the all-rounded events that are passed orally from generation to generation. To better understand the problem I think it is necessary to define another term, referring to everything that is transmitted from generation to generation, that is to culture, because it is used currently with different meanings. We will therefore refer to 'culture' all human activities and, precisely, according to Zingarelli: 'complex knowledge, traditions, technical processes, types of behaviors and the like, transmitted and used systematically, characteristic of a given social group or of a people, Or a group of peoples, or of all humanity. " A first step to understanding the role and meaning of having contact with the popular culture of oral tradition is to make us aware of the characteristics of the culture we live in. In this regard, it is to be assumed that most of us enjoy the experience of a citizen and belong, therefore, to a relatively homogeneous culture, but certainly not traditionally predominantly oral. Of course, even in the city there is folk tradition and orality, but it is not part of the dominant culture. Much has been said and written about the culture of mass media based on cities based on economic productivity: just think of the work of Marshall Mc Luhan. Here, however, we will take the lead from the most fundamental source of knowledge of our culture, namely, the school.

Author Biography

María Cecilia Jorquera, Conservatorio de Venezia

Didáctica de la Música






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