The Improvement of Memory in the Music Language subject
Musical Memory, Musical Language, Phononimy, Rhythmic-Melodic Sequences.Abstract
This article aims to describe an experience that was carried out in the first two levels of elementary education in Ear Training courses at the Professional Conservatory of Music in Segovia (Spain). The main objective of the research was to assess whether there is an improvement in 79 students’ memory using different classroom-based educational intervention proposals and if such improvement fosters students’ learning. This research has a constructivist approach and begins by describing the characteristics and different kinds of musical memory. A qualitative methodology has been applied with a case study and classroom research methods. There have basically been three proposals which have been implemented in the classroom: the repetition and improvisation of melodic sequences using hand gestures (the Kodály approach), the performance of different melodies or musical fragments by heart, and the production of musical notes, rhythms and rhythmic and melodic sequences. The results show that efforts made with consideration of the attention and the capacity of the memory storage provide students with the tools needed for giving meaning to the musical speech, fostering students’ learning.
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