History and reality of the genus ‘Homo’: What is it and why do we think so?


  • Ian Tattersall American Museum of Natural History in New York (USA).




taxonomy, genera, genus 'Homo', palaeoanthropology


Paleoanthropologists who worry about how nature is organized into species, and about what we should call them, are very often accused by their peers of «just arguing about names». This implies that basic taxonomy is a boring clerical operation that should be dispensed with as quickly as possible or even ignored, so that we can get to the really interesting questions about human evolution. Yet the reality is that we shall never understand the events of the intricate human evolutionary play if we cannot accurately identify the actors who participated in that drama. This article looks briefly at how our current supremely woolly concept of the genus Homo has come about, as background for urging a more rational approach to defining it.


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Author Biography

Ian Tattersall, American Museum of Natural History in New York (USA).

Emeritus Curator in the Division of Anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York (USA). He is a systematist who has worked extensively on the very diverse lemurs of Madagascar, as well as on the hominid fossil record, in which he also sees diversity. He is the author of many books on paleoanthropology, most recently  Masters of the planet  (2012) and  The strange case of the rickety cossack and other cautionary tales from human evolution  (2015).


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How to Cite

Tattersall, I. (2018). History and reality of the genus ‘Homo’: What is it and why do we think so?. Metode Science Studies Journal, (8), 79–89. https://doi.org/10.7203/metode.8.9111
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