Attitudes towards entrepreneurship among university students through human values: a case study at the University of Alicante


  • Liberto Carratala Puertas Universidad de Alicante



Entrepreneurship, human values, higher education, youth, social status.


This research, of exploratory character, has as main objectives to know the attitude of the students of the University of Alicante towards the entrepreneurship, as well as to propose an alternative methodology to the one commonly used in the research on this problem that It transcends and complements the descriptive character of the traditional one. It is also intended to use the axiological profile of students, according to Schwartz’s theory of human values and Weber’s theory of social stratification, to know their predisposition to entrepreneurship. For this, the multidimensional scaling technique will be used. The results are eloquent. Those students whose preferred values are the Self-promotion domain consider entrepreneurs and athletes as more valuable for society. Those who are more similar to the values of Autotranscendence consider scientists and writers as role model.


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How to Cite

Carratala Puertas, L. (2023). Attitudes towards entrepreneurship among university students through human values: a case study at the University of Alicante. Revista De Sociología De La Educación-RASE, 16(1), 6–17.
  • Abstract
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