Ethnobotanical knowledge as a strategy for socio-economic development through tourism: the case of 'Loeselia involucrata' (Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico)
Ethnobotany, Loeselia involucrata, sustainable tourism, Baja California Sur, México.Abstract
This ethnobotanical research presents the case of the Loeselia involucrata plant, better known as “guichichila” and which is distinguished for its medicinal properties in rural communities of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur (B.C.S.). Currently, this municipality of Mexico is recognized for the development of traditional tourism, but without consolidating the offer of the alternative modality. The objective of this paper is to generate a proposal for the transmission of traditional knowledge in rural communities of Los Cabos, in search of the valuation, dissemination and sustainable use of native plants through tourism and visitor management. For this, the study area was delimited through geolocation in places where the plant was observed, a qualitative methodology was used to identify the background of the subject and to obtain information on the use and knowledge in the study area; in addition, quantitative for the calculation of the frequency of use. Finally, a proposal for sustainable and tourist use based on the data obtained was integrated. The main results showed that this plant is identified and used, likewise, there is interest in incorporating it into tourism projects with an alternative and sustainable approach.
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