Law New and Old: Tropes of Blindness in the Celestina


  • Marlen Bidwell-Steiner Universität Wien



Celestina, law, allegory, Badius, Piccolomini, Nebrija, Cisneros


This article traces juridical elements in the monologues of Melibea, Calisto and Pleberio in order to elaborate on the negotiations between old and new law and —on an allegorical level— old and re/new/ed faith as major topics of the tragicomedia. In a further step, I will connect this text-based analysis to the material culture of the early book in Spain, insofar as the production of printing shops in Salamanca and Burgos evidences a variety of texts with a similar preoccupation for legal reforms. This reveals the embeddedness of the Celestina in a network of European humanism. The re-occurrence of blind Justice as a key trope in such contemporaneous texts could shed new light on discussions about the authorship of the Celestina by reconciling different approaches. 


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Author Biography

Marlen Bidwell-Steiner, Universität Wien

Estudios de filología española, francesa y de literatura comparada, PhD 2007, habilitation (2nd Phd 2015);

senior lecturer en el departamento de filología románica, actualmente desvinculada por beca del FWF (Austrian Science Fund, hasta 2021).


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How to Cite

Bidwell-Steiner, M. (2021). Law New and Old: Tropes of Blindness in the <i>Celestina</i>. Celestinesca, 45, 9–28.
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