On the «zorras» Celestina and Lozana: Animal symbolism in the configuration of the character of the whore and go-between
Celestina, Lozana, animal symbols, sex, survivalAbstract
The undeniable influence of La Celestina on La Lozana andaluza is not limited to its structure, content, and function (Botta 2002; Checa 2005; Imperiale 1991; Márquez Villanueva 2006), but it also encompasses the animal symbolism used in the construction of the character of the old bawd (Shipley 2020; López-Rodríguez 2018; Miaja de la Peña 2017; Snow 2021). Celestina and Lozana are sweet and hard-working as bees, promiscuous and motherly as hens, loquacious and free as birds, temptress and sinful as serpents, libidinous and obstinate as donkeys and even docile and helpless as sheep. There is, indeed, a sort of bestiary in the forging of the literary figure of the prostitutes, whose physique and personality, home, jobs, beliefs, and social function are marked with animal traits. In addition to highlighting the instinctual animal world of sex with which the two prostitutes make a living, the iconography of the bestial serves to sketch the multifaceted nature of Celestina and Lozana. After all, their survival, like an animal, depends on their adaptation to society, because, in the words of the character of Francisco Delicado, «¿Qué me tengo que mantener […] como camaleón?» (179).
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