Voice art and listening: the performative discourse in the Comedy/Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea


  • Gustavo Illades Aguiar Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana




Voice, Listening, Performative text, Performance, Psychodynamics oral and written


Between the 13th and 17th centuries, the interweavings of the oral and written psychodynamics gave birth to new production, transmission, and textual reception techniques that frame hispanic literature. Conceived as sensitive objects, literary texts served as sheet music due to their inherent theatricality –which was mastered in Spanish Golden Age theatre stagings–, destined towards minstrel’s vocal-gestural performances, bards, and through time, public readers. The aformentioned theatricality lies coded in the “performative text”, which instructs the voice, the gesture, the space and time of the virtual performances, and it is diseminated within the narration and dialogue –it being verse or prose– of a literary corpus that encompasses half a millenium. Inadvertently deturped in modern editions, this discourse absorbs the rhetoric actio, pragmatic signs, as well as numerous didascalias attributed to dramatic texts. Unusually complex and original in the case of the Comedia/Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, the performative text responds to the necessity of making in thirteen voices dialogue intelligible to the vocal reader as well as to the listeners, parallely having an intricated plot and without the narrator’s support. In the present article, cues for performativity are indentified througout the text and its functions analyzed, within the autos’ arguments, in paradigmatic dialogues, –e.g. both of Celestina and Melibea–, in vocalization techniques –soliloquy and asides– or in the vicissitudes of listening, e.g. those that lead Celestina towards her death. Ultimately, whenever it became conspicuous, the performative text created a different textual meaning in contrast to the one which is obtained today by the hermeneutics of silent reading.


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How to Cite

Illades Aguiar, G. (2024). Voice art and listening: the performative discourse in the <i>Comedy/Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea</i>. Celestinesca, 48, 109–138. https://doi.org/10.7203/Celestinesca.48.28679
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