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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation provided in Comment to the publisher).
  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • Text has simple line spacing; The font size is 12 points; Italics are used instead of underlining (excepting URLs); And all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the place that corresponds to them and not at the end of the whole.
  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Rules for authors, which can be found in About the journal.
  • If you are submitting to a section of the peer reviewed journal, you must ensure that the instructions in Securing a blind review have been followed

Author Guidelines

A) Commitment to originality

The authors undertake to send original texts that have not been published previously or are being considered in other publications.

B) Procedure for the presentation of texts

The articles can be written in Spanish, Catalan or English.

The original texts will be presented in two files in Word format.

A file will be named with the first author's surnames and the number 1. For example, FERRER_HERNANDEZ1.doc. It will include the title of the article (in Spanish, Catalan or English) in the heading and the text, without any personal data of the author or authors, or comment or reference that identifies them, in order to guarantee their anonymity to the evaluators.

The other file will be named the same, but with the number 2. For example, FERRER_HERNANDEZ2.doc. This text will include the following data:

-Title of the text (in Spanish, Catalan or English).

-Author: name and surnames, academic institution to which it belongs, email address and postal address. In case of collective authorship, the above data will be recorded for the participants, in the order of signature of the article.

- Two summaries of the article (in Spanish or Catalan and English), about eight lines each.

- Five key words (in Spanish or Catalan and English), maximum.

-The contact email.

C) Format and presentation

The format of the texts presented will follow the following criteria:

- Page size A-4; Margins of 1 inch (2.54 cm).

- Justified text; Typography times 12 points; Line spacing of 1.5 lines.

- Footnotes (never at the end of the article), numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, typography times 10 points and line spacing 1 line. In general, the notes can not exceed a maximum of 60 words. Notes that contain only bibliographic citations will be avoided.

- There will be no header or footer, nor numbering of the pages; Tabs will also be avoided.

- For the subtitles, bold type will be used. In general, a certain typographic austerity is proposed, which facilitates the subsequent layout of the text in case it is published.

- The extension will be free.

D) Appointments

Quotations of less than three lines will appear in the normal paragraph, in quotation marks. Appointments of more than three lines should appear in separate paragraphs, without quotation marks and in round letters, with one inch of bleeding and size 11. All quotations should be conveniently referenced.

E) Bibliographic references

In general, APA standards will be used. In any case, the following criteria may also be used.

For the references of the publications and citations that appear in the body of the text the following criteria will be followed:

- Appointment of the author of a publication (Trías 2003). If you want to reference the specific page (Trías 2003: 50). If more than one work published in the same year by the same author is postponed a lower case letter a year as ordinal (Trías 2006a, 2006b). If you want to include the specific pages of the works published in the same year should be indicated as follows: (Trías 2006a: 55; 2006b: 37). If you want to cite two publications by the same author but in different years (Trías 2003, 2006).

- If the reference is to a work when the author's name already appears in the sentence, only the date of the work is included: "The poetry of Goethe, according to Trías (2006), is characterized ...".

When you want to quote two or three authors of a publication will appear all the names: (German, Trías and Larriera 2004). If the publication has been written by more than three authors (Trías et al., 1995).

In the case of a reprint that is very distant in time from the original publication, the latter may be specified in brackets to facilitate the reader's understanding of the chronology of publications; A modern reprint of the Kracauer text can be cited as (Kracauer [1930] 2007), but it is not essential.

- In the case of books in electronic format, the location of the referenced text will be facilitated by the indication of chapter, epigraph, etc.

F) Bibliography

The cited references should be included in an end section, entitled 'Bibliography cited', according to the following models:

- The references will be sorted alphabetically, according to the surname of the author. In case there is more than one reference of the same author, they will be ordered chronologically and the last name and the initials of the name will be repeated in each case. In case of references of the same author and year a lower case letter will be added to the year as ordinal, as has been commented above. Example:

Trías, E. 2003. Lógica del límite. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores.

Trías, E. 2004. “La transparencia del límite”, en Er. Revista de Filosofía, núm. 33, 2004, pp. 75-90.

Trías, E. 2006. La edad del espíritu. Barcelona: Debolsillo.

- Depending on the type of publication, the following criteria will be established:

- Depending on the type of publication, the following criteria will be established:

I. Books or monographs

Made by an author: Last name, First name. Year of publication. Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.

Trías, E. 2000. Ética y condición humana. Barcelona: Península.

Made by two authors: Surname, Name of the first author, preposition (y / and), Surname and Name of the second author. Year of publication. Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.

Requejo, F. y Trías, E. 1991. Teoría crítica y estado social. Barcelona: Anthropos.

Editions of a book: You must indicate the edition when it is different from the first if it is a real edition, ie a revised and modified text and not a simple reprint of the material. Surname, Name, the abbreviation of the publisher ("comp." If it is in Spanish, "ed." If it is in English) or its plural ("comps." "Eds."). Year of publication. Title (italic). Place of publication: Publisher.

Adorno, Th. W. comp. 1972. La disputa del positivismo en la sociología alemana. Barcelona: Grijalbo.

If the chapter of a book is mentioned: Surnames, Name of the author of the chapter. Year of publication. "Book Chapter Title in Quotation Marks". Abbreviation of pages (Pp.) First page-last page, preposition (in / in) Author. Title of the work in italics. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher. For example:

Trías, Eugenio.  2007. “Concordia y violencia: una reflexión filosófica para el mundo de hoy”. Pp. 95-112, en Marcelino Agís, Carlos Baliñas y Jesús Ríos (eds.): Sobre libertad y seguridadEn torno a Thomas Hobbes. Santiago de Compostela: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

II. Magazine articles or serial publications

Journal articles: Surnames, Name of the author of the article. Year of publication. "Title of the article in quotation marks". Name of the journal in italics, journal number: article home page - final page.

Trías, Eugenio. 1990. “Arte y estética en el otoño de la modernidad”. Letras de Deusto, vol. 20, núm. 47: 37-56.

Articles of magazines and newspapers: Surname, Name. Year of publication "Title of the article in quotation marks". Name of the journal in italics, day and month.

Trías, Eugenio. 1995. “Un horror sin final”. El País, 28 de marzo.

Dictionary: Name of the dictionary in italics. Year. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher. Abbreviation s. V. (Sub voce) and the referenced entry.

III.Electronic resources

In the case of electronic resources (magazines and digital books, websites, blogs, etc.), the cited work and the access address (URL) must be referenced. Example:

Trías, Eugenio. 2004. “Conversaciones”, en DC Papers, revista de crítica y teoría de la arquitectura, núm. 12, en:


The title, the year, the original title in italics and, if applicable, the title with which it has been distributed in Spanish will be cited. If it is necessary, it will be recorded if it is a remastered edition, etc.

Robert Wiene. 1920. Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari.

Billy Wilder. 1950. Sunset Boulevard (The twilight of the gods).

Francis F. Coppola. 1979. Apocalyse Now (remastered version, 2001).


Images will be included in the text, but in addition a quality copy, in TIFF or JPG format, will be sent with a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch.

Images will be presented in TIFF or JPEG files, independently (one for each file), clearly indicating their numbering in the file name. They should be numbered correlatively in the same order in which they appear in the text with Arabic numerals (Figure 1). The author will indicate in the text where the illustration should be inserted or if its placement is indifferent.

The quality of the illustrations should not be less than 600dpi for black and white reproductions; In color, 2,400 dpi. The illustrations will be accompanied by a foot or explanatory legend.

If the author proposes a figure obtained from another publication must have the corresponding permission and accompany it.

G) Proofreading

A single test correction will be made. In the correction only the necessary modifications will be allowed to eliminate the errata of the composition.

Dialogando con

Se trata de una entrevista comentada que el equipo editorial encarga a alguna persona con vinculación bien con el tema de la revista o con la personalidad entrevistada. También se pueden hacer envíos con propuestas que el consejo editorial evalúa tras la consulta a miembros del consejo asesor.

Textos invitados

Se trata de textos de formato y contenido flexible que no se corresponden con el formato artículo. La recepción de textos está abierta y se pueden hacer envíos con propuestas que el consejo editorial evalúa tras la consulta a miembros del consejo asesor.


Se trata de textos de formato artículo (véase apartado con las directrices para los autores). La recepción de textos está abierta desde comienzos de año hasta finales de octubre. Los textos de esta sección son evaluados por el sistema de pares ciegos por expertos en la material preferentemente externos al IUCIE. Se pueden hacer propuestas sobre monográficos que el consejo editorial evalúa tras la consulta a miembros del consejo asesor.


Se trata de reseñas de libros, artículos, congresos, encuentros académicos, exposiciones, conciertos, etc. de los dos últimos años. El texto debe tener una extensión entre 2 y 5 páginas que comenten el contenido de los mismos. La recepción de textos está abierta y se pueden hacer envíos con propuestas que el consejo editorial evalúa.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.