
The stage of correction was the intention of millorar el flux, claredat, gramàtica, formulació, i format de l'article. It represents the last opportunitat of the author per fer canvis substantial to the text, since the second stage is restricted to the correction of typography and format. The fitxer to be corrected is in Word or .rtf format so it can be easily edited with a text document. They are shown instructions for corrections of different ways. The first one is based on the functionality of Canvis Seguiment of Microsoft Word. I need to have the editor, the editor and the author tinguin accés a aquest program. A second system, independent of the program, has statutes, according to its permission, from the Harvard Educational Review. The publisher of the journal may modify these instructions, so that it may be possible to suggest suggestions for the processing of this journal.Correction system
1. Canvis Seguiment from Microsoft Word From the Eines menu, the Canvis Seguiment feature permet the insercions (the text apareix in an altre color) i flicker text (the text apareix ratllat amb a altre color or al Marge quan s'esborra). The corrector (s) can send inquiries to the author (Consult the author) with the publisher (Consultes d'editor / a) insert these questions between claudàtors. The corrected version is a bid and notifies the publisher. The editor reviews the text and notifies the author. The editor and the author haurien to leave els canvis amb els que estiguin d'acord. If you need more canvis, the publisher and the author can insert them or inserts texts or write them down, inserting or inserting text in any part of the text. Els / les autors / es haurien de respondre a totes you consultes that you read facin, you are responsive dins dels claudàtors. A copy of the text has been reviewed by the publisher and the author, the corrector / a farà a final pass per tot the text accepting els canvis in preparing the stage of layout and galerades. 2. Harvard Educational Review Instruction for electronic revisions to the manuscript Followed by a protocol for electronic revisions to your manuscript: Respondre als canvis suggerits Per to each of the canvis suggerits that hagi acceptat, tregui the text sprite Per a dels canvis suggerits That vostè NO accepti, re-introduced the original text i pos-ho in boldface insert i sketch text Indiqui text nou posant-ho in negreta Replace the sections deleades amb: [text esborrat] If you have a sentence or more, Ho amb a note, pi, [2 sentences spelled] Please answer the author (PAs) Mantingui totes the PA intact and in the text dins negreta. Do not miss out on a PA, please comment below. Els comentaris haurien d'estar delimitats usant: [Comment:] Comment: Explanation of the extended methodology com suggested] Fer comentis Utilitza comentaris per explic canvis in the organitzacions or revisions importants pe, [Comment: Aquest paragraphe has mogut de Page 5 to 7] Note: When referring to the page number, you used the page numbers of the printed copy of the manuscript to be sent. Això is important, since the page numbers can be used to review an electronic document.

Illustration of an electronic review
The original manuscript file Before making substantial changes to the structure and organization of your original manuscript, review it with other persons responsible for your area. Once you have finished your revisions, rename the file Name of AutorPA.doc to Name of AuthorPAR.doc (eg, from LuzPA.doc to LuzPAR.doc). Print your manuscript on paper and mail it on a floppy disk with the completely revised and renamed file. Manuscript returned to the author with questions and suggestions Before making substantial changes to the structure and organization of the manuscript that we are returning, review it with other editors. Once you have finished your revisions, rename the file Name of AutorPA.doc to Name of AuthorPAR.doc (eg, from LuzPA.doc to LuzPAR.doc). Print your manuscript on paper and mail it on a floppy disk with the completely revised and renamed file. [PA: In this paragraph it may be helpful to highlight the importance of following the instructions carefully when making electronic reviews. Otherwise the editing process could be delayed considerably.] Revised manuscript sent back to HER Before making substantial changes to the structure and organization of the manuscript that we are returning, revise it with other editors. Please note that failure to follow the instructions to the letter can considerably delay the publication of your manuscript. Once you have finished your revisions, rename the file Name of AutorPA.doc to Name of AuthorPAR.doc (eg, from LuzPA.doc to LuzPAR.doc). Print your manuscript on paper and send it by mail on a floppy disk with the file with [words deleted], completely revised and renamed. [Comment: I added a sentence in response to your suggestion.] Notes: • Removing a bold text means that the suggestion for changes in the first sentence has been accepted. • Phrase added in response to the AP. Bold text indicates the insertion of new text • [deleted word] indicates deletion of "completely" • Comment containing a response to the editors' BP

  • Publicación del núm. 7 (2023) de Creativity and Educational Innovation Review (CEIR)


    Estimados/as autores/as y lectores/as:

    Me complace comunicaros que hemos publicado el número 7 (2023) de la revista Creativity and Educational Innovation Review (CEIR).
    CEIR continúa con su labor de visibilizar la investigación científica
    educativa y de transferir el conocimiento a otros profesionales para que puedan utilizarlo, tanto en su labor investigadora como docente. En el séptimo número de la revista que se presenta, se ha pretendido impulsar la transformación educativa hacia el desarrollo de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible , además de la internacionalización, entendida esta última como un proceso que fomenta los lazos de cooperación e integración de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, con el fin de alcanzar mayor presencia y visibilidad internacional, así como una herramienta impulsora de cohesión social y de desarrollo sostenible, en un mundo cada vez más globalizado.
    Agradecemos a las más de treinta personas que han colaborado en este número de la revista CEIR con sus textos, a los evaluadores y evaluadoras que desinteresadamente han dedicado su tiempo y saber a revisarlos y, en especial a José Beltrán Llavador y Francesc J. Hernàndez Dobon, por su inestimable ayuda y a los cuales dedicamos este número de la revista.
    Gracias, salud y feliz año nuevo
    Rosa Isusi Fagoaga

    Read more about Publicación del núm. 7 (2023) de Creativity and Educational Innovation Review (CEIR)