Criminal biography. Biopic and true crime.


  • Andrea Bernardelli Università di Ferrara


The true crime narrative genre is widely successful on various platforms - from audiovisual streaming to podcasts. Basically, it implies providing a reconstruction of the biography of people involved in a crime. This is according to two possible different perspectives: that of the criminal - often a murderer or serial killer - or that of the victim, or victims. The link between the two narrative forms - that of the biopic and that of true crime -, is also evident in the fact that they are both based on the use of archival audiovisual material - audio only in the case of the podcast -, such as news, interrogations, or court depositions, but also the personal or family footage of those involved. This material is what makes true crime "true," although in many cases it is intertwined with forms of fiction - the re-enactment often used in audiovisual true crime products. What forms of true crime are most interesting in terms of reconstructing a kind of personal biography of the individuals involved? And what ethical issues does this mode of approaching crime involve?


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Author Biography

Andrea Bernardelli, Università di Ferrara

Andrea Bernardelli teaches Semiotics, Cognitive Semiotics, and Narratology in University of Ferrara (Italy).   He is the author of Breve dizionario di narratologia (Roma, Carocci, 2024), Che cos’è la narrazione cinematografica (with A. Bellavita, Roma, Carocci, 2021), Che cos’è una serie televisiva (with G. Grignaffini, Roma, Carocci, 2017), Cattivi seriali. Personaggi atipici nelle produzioni televisive contemporanee (Roma, Carocci, 2016), Semiotica.   Storia, teorie, e metodi (with   E. Grillo,   Roma,   Carocci,   2014), Che cos’è l’intertestualità (Roma, Carocci, 2013), Il   testo   narrativo (with   R. Ceserani,   Bologna, il   Mulino, 2005), Intertestualità (Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 2000), La narrazione (Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999), Il parlato e lo scritto (with R. Pellerey, Milano, Bompiani, 1999). 



How to Cite

Bernardelli, A. (2024). Criminal biography. Biopic and true crime. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 28. Retrieved from
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