Rules for authors
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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word format
- It is imperative that the text adheres to the stylistic and biliographic requirements outlined in the Editorial Guidelines in About the Journal. Otherwise, it may be rejected by the journal's Board of Directors
- If you are submitted to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring Anonymous Review should be followed
General Guidelines
Articles may be submitted in English, Spanish, French or Italian.
The title of the article should be in Georgia, 12 and bold. In the case of a subtitle, in Georgia size 10. The writing format is Georgia size 10 and single-spaced. Quotations inserted in the text should be in the same format, but with a 2 cm indent.
Texts must be no longer than 9,000 words, including bibliography, and must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 150 words, as well as 5 to 7 key words. Both the abstract and the keywords must be written in English, French, Spanish, Italian and French.
The text must be anonymous, with no personal details about the author.
When highlighting a word, use italics, not bold. Only highlight when strictly necessary. Only use bold for the title text and title of each section. All text (including notes and headings) should be justified. Paragraphs should be separated by a line.
In addition to the article, a short CV of no more than 150 words in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German and a photograph should be included in the “supplementary material”.
All text (including footnotes and title) will be justified. Insert a line between paragraphs.
References within the text shall adjust to the following format:
The following information should be placed in parenthesis: author’s surname, comma, space, page number. If the reference is to a whole book, page numbers can be omitted.
As mentioned (Minkenberg, 79) …
according to Minkenberg (79).
«no real convergence exists» (Minkenberg, 79).
When the quoted text is longer than three pages lines, it should be formatted as follows: Georgia 10, indented 2 cm. and single spaced. At the end of the text, the used reference sources should be included.
When citing a film, the reference shall be as follows: Title (in italics), parentheses, Original title (in italics), director, year, close parentheses.
«As seen in The Spirit of the Beehive (El espíritu de la colmena, Víctor, Erice, 1973) …»
TV series shall be cited in a similar way, replacing the director by the creator’s name and the year of production by the years of the series’ duration.
«The character of McNulty in The Wire (David Simon, 2002-2008)…»
References (in accordance with the MLA Formatting and Style Guide)
Surname, Author’s name. Title of the book (in italics). Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.
Eco, Umberto. Trattato di semiotica generale. Milano: Bompiani, 1975.
In the case of a collective book, the authors’ names shall appear in the same order as they appear in the work. Only the first author shall appear with the last name first. It will be cited as follows: Last name, First name of the first author and First name of the second author, Last name of the second author. Place of publication: Publisher, year.
In the case of a coordinated or edited volume, "ed." or "coord." shall appear after the author(s).
Frith, Simon & Andrew Goodwin, eds. On Record. Rock, Pop, and the Written Word. Londres: Routledge, 1990.
Book chapters
Surname, Author’s name. «Title of the chapter». Title of book (in italics). Ed./coord. Name and Surname of the author(s). Place of publication: publisher, year of publication, «pp.» followed by first and last page numbers of the chapter.
De Lauretis, Teresa. «El sujeto de la fantasía». Feminismo y teoría fílmica. Ed. Giulia Colaizzi. Valencia: Episteme, 1995, pp. 37-74.
Trías, Eugenio. «La revolución musical de Occidente». La imaginación sonora. Ed. Eugenio Trías. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2010, pp. 33-58.
Journal articles
The following is to be included:
Surname, Name. «Article Title», Journal title (in italics), volume number, year of publication, page number.
Parrondo, Eva. «Lo personal es político». Trama y Fondo, 27, 2009, pp. 105-110.
If the article has a doi, it shall be included at the end of the reference, after the page numbers.
Aranzazu Ruiz, Paula. «Máquinas de histeria e hipervisibilidad: transferencias estéticas entre el imaginario médico ‘fin-de-siêcle’ y las vanguardias artísticas». Fotocinema. Revista científica de cine y fotografía, 22, 2020, pp. 19-44, Recuperado el 27 de julio de 2020
Articles that revolve around a monographic theme
Articles that do not necessarily have to coincide with the "Dossier" section although they do have to respect the theme of the journal
Book reviews
The journal will particularly encourage the reception of articles from other countries, with the exception of monographs on more local and specific topics.
The journal will give priority to authors from other institutions.