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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or, at least, an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).

  • The file sent is Microsoft Word (docx).

  • The article follows correctly the references section guidelines included in the Authors guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Text delivery

a) The papers must be delivered through the OJS system of the journal, available at (

b) Spanish is the official language of the journal; although sometimes, depending on the evaluation of the Editorial Board, the use of other languages is also allowed. Therefore, texts in Spanish will be given priority.

c) The paper will be presented in Word (.docx) / Open Office (.odt) format. Normal text will be written in font Times New Roman 12, citations will be in size 11; and footnotes, in size 10. All text must be written with simple line spacing.

d) For Spanish, the authors must follow the Ortografía de la Real Academia Española (latest version).

e) It is recommended to avoid abbreviations, unless they are strictly necessary (for example, lexicographical papers). If abbreviations are used, a list of them must be included in an ending annex. It will also include the abbreviations of titles and names of authors of literary texts, if any.

f) Latin terms will be written in small caps. Abbreviations will be capitalized.

g) The references section will be placed at the end.

h) The recommended extension for papers is 15-20 pages (with references section included).

i) The recommended length for book reviews is 2-3 pages.

2. Formatting

For the configuration of the page, the following actions will be applied in the Page Design window:

Design → Page configuration → Margins:

a)    Márgins: 4 cm (up and down), 3 cm (left and right).

b)    Heading distance: 2 cm, footnote distance: 1.50 cm.

3. First page

Title will be written in uppercase and centered, using font size 14. One line below, in Times 11, the title will be placed in English (centered and uppercase).

One line below, in Times 12, the first name in normal text and the surnames in small caps except the initials, which will be uppercase.

Following line will include the institution name using italics (also in Times 12).

Two lines below the heading “Abstract” (followed by two points), in Times 11, and the text of the summary will start on the next line. The keywords will be placed in another paragraph. Also in another paragraph will appear the abstract and the keywords. Example:





Palabras clave: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.






Key words: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


4. Examples

All the examples must be numbered.

5. Headings

Headings and subheadings must be numbered and separated by one line from the following paragraph.

6. Citation

Brief citations (less than three lines) will be quoted using latin quotes («»). If the text cited is more than three lines, the citation must appear in a single paragraph, with Times 11 and indented to the right.

Authorship citation inside the text will follow the surname-date model, as in the following examples:

a)    (...) como dice Alarcos (1995: 28)

b)    En opinión de Alarcos (1995: 28)

c)    Según Emilio Alarcos (1995)

d)    Si se aplican los criterios mencionados (Alarcos, 1995)


7. Footnotes

Footnotes will be superscript numbered and in Times 10.

8. References

Following indications must be followed.

8.1. Author names

Gómez Torrego, Leonardo

Silva-Corvalán, Carmen

Granda, Germán de (1999)

In case of multiple references from a single author in the same year, there will be used correlative letters in italics (a, b, c…).


Moreno Fernández, Francisco (2005a): Principios de sociolingüística y sociología del lenguaje, Barcelona, Ariel.

Moreno Fernández, Francisco (2005b): Historia social de las lenguas de España, Barcelona, Ariel.

8.2. Multiple authorship


Corrales, Cristóbal y Dolores Corbella (2001): Diccionario histórico del español de Canarias (DHECan), La Laguna, Instituto de Estudios Canarios.

With three or more authors:

Briz, Antonio et alii (1998):

Briz, Antonio y otros (1998):

Organization or institution authorship:

Instituto Vasco de Administraciones Públicas (1986)

RAE (1999)

Edited or coordinated books:

Bartolomé Crespo, Donaciano, coord. (1991): Estudios sobre tecnología de la información, Madrid, Sanz y Torres.

Alvar, Manuel, dir. (1996): Manual de dialectología hispánica. El español de América, Madrid, Ariel.

Fontanella de Weinberg, M.ª Beatriz, comp. (1993): Documentos para la historia lingüística  de HispanoaméricaSiglos XVI a XVIII, Madrid, Real Academia Española.

Labov, William (1994): Principles of Linguistics Change. Vol. 1: Internal Factors, Oxford, Blackwell. Trad. al español de Pedro Martín Butragueño, Principios del cambio lingüístico. Volumen 1. Factores internos, Madrid, Gredos, 1996.


Lapesa Melgar, Rafael (1980):

Lozano Ribas, Miguel (s. a.): Gramática castellana para uso de tipógrafos (corregida y ampliada por Ramón Gallego, Barcelona, Mateu.

García, A. (en prensa):


8.4. Publication name

Briz Gómez, Antonio (1998): El español coloquial: Situación y uso,

Corominas, Joan (1954-1957): Diccionario crítico etimológico de la lengua castellana, 4 vols., Madrid, Gredos.

Journal Papers


Ferguson, Charles (1959): «Diglosia», Word, 15, 325-340.

Book Chapters

Montolío Durán, Estrella (2010): «La gramática normativa y su importancia en la construcción de la imagen profesional», en Montoro del Arco, Esteban T. y Juan Antonio Moya Corral, eds., El español en contexto, Granada, Editorial Universidad de Granada, 105-119 [en línea]: <>. [Consulta: 20/4/2011].

8.5. City and editorial

Briz Gómez, Antonio (1998): El español coloquial: Situación y uso, Madrid, Arco.

Martínez de Sousa, José (1989, 1993): Diccionario de bibliología y ciencias afines, Madrid, Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez/Pirámide.

Baum, Richard (1989): Lengua culta, lengua literaria, lengua escrita, Barcelona/Caracas, Alfa.

Journal papers

Palomo Olmos, Bienvenido (1990): «Palabras homófonas y homógrafas en español como consecuencia del yeísmo», Cauce, Revista de Filología y su Didáctica (Universidad de Sevilla), 13, 7-29.

Bosque, Ignacio (1984): «Bibliografía sobre la metáfora: 1971-1982», Revista de Literatura (Madrid, csic), 46, núm. 92 (jul.-dic.), 173-194.

Marcos Álvarez, Fernando (1989): Diccionario práctico de recursos expresivos (figuras y tropos), Cáceres, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura (Manuales unex, 3).


Martín Sánchez, Manuel: «Del hecho al dicho», El País (Madrid), 28/06/1987, 10-11.

8.6. Pages

Briz Gómez, Antonio (2006): «La peritación lingüística: la identificación del plagio», en Santos Ríos, Luis et alii,Palabras, norma, discurso en memoria de Fernando Lázaro Carreter, Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca, 167-183.


8.7. Edition

First edition


García de Diego, Vicente (1976 [1946]): Dialectología española, Madrid, Centro Iberoamericano de Cooperación.

Another editions

Gibaldi, Joseph (2006): MLA style manual and guide handbook for writers of research papers, Nueva York, The Modern Language Association of America, 6.ª ed.

8.8. DOI

Fábregas, Antonio (2013): «Differential Object Marking in Spanish: state of the art», Borealis: An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics, 2, 2, 1-80,


8.9. Another data

Non published conference or web information

Martínez de Sousa, José (1998): «Los neotipógrafos», Revista Española de Bibliología, vol. 1, núm. 1, oct., Salamanca, Asociación Española de Bibliología (aeb) [en línea]: <>. [Consulta: 05/03/1999].


Italics usage

1. Abbreviations coming from books or publications:

Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (DPD)

Real Academia Española (RAE).


2. Foreign words (non included in Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua):

Vamos a oír un allegretto

Cervantes fue un outsider en el mundo literario de su tiempo

Savoir faire es su lema.


3. Non adapted latin terms: versus, apud, et alii, etc.

4. Publications titles (books, journals…):


Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

Enciclopedia Espasa (nombre antonomástico)

El País

Anuario de Filología Hispánica.

5. Creative work (movies, musicals, operas…).

6. Metalinguistic references.

7. Slang terms.



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Authors must provide personal data such as their name, surnames, email address, country and institution of affiliation. Some of these data will be used only for editorial purposes.