How prior knowledge, learning, teaching and assessment affect students’ achievements in Mathematics




prior knowledge, comprehensive learning approach, problem-based-instruction, assess- ment impact, student’s basic knowledge conceived in mathematics


In this study we investigate how prior knowledge, the comprehensive learning approach, problem-based teaching and assessment influence students’ basic-learning skills in Mathematics at the university level. To do so, we employed a quasi-experimental research design and a structured questionnaire. Two experimental groups and two control groups of students were involved. We found a negligible correlation between prior knowledge and basic-learning skills but a positive correlation between prior knowledge and the comprehensive learning approach. On the other hand, we found practically no correlation between prior knowledge and assessment. We also found that problem-based teaching correlated positively and that the traditional approach correlated negatively with prior knowledge. Moreover, prior knowledge, problem-based teaching, the comprehensive learning approach and assessment explained 50% of the variance in the levels of basic-learning skills.



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Xhomara, N. (2020). How prior knowledge, learning, teaching and assessment affect students’ achievements in Mathematics. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives, (25), 68–91.
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