Evaluación por pares

In Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives all manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind peer-reviewed process.

Review periods

Notification to the author(s): Author(s) will receive from the journal a notification of correct submission of their proposal.

Peer review process by a member of the Editorial Board:  All contributions will be initially assessed by the Editorial Board for verification of the minimum requirements: topic(s) fall within the scope of the journal, anonymity is ensured, manuscript meets formal requirements, citation guidelines are correctly followed, etc.). Manuscripts failing to meet these minimum requirements will be rejected. Decisions will reach authors within 1 and 3 months.

Double-blind process: All manuscripts deemed suitable will be then sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess their scientific quality.

The Editorial Board is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection.

List of referees

Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives has an extensive database of national and international review experts. The allocation of manuscripts to referees is made on the basis of the referees’ expertise on the topic(s) of manuscripts.

Author(s) can reject referees during the process of submission of manuscripts. They must do so in the section Comments to the Editor. Likewise, they can recommend referees for their manuscripts on the same section.

The lists of experts who have anonymously contributed to the review of manuscripts are published each year. These experts are part of REALIA’s Review Committee for that year.

Should you wish to become part of the Review Committee, you can sign up on our editing platform as Reviewer, indicating areas of expertise in the spaces provided.

Guidelines for reviewers

Referees for Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives shall not accept the review of a manuscript in they have a conflict of interest or when the requisite of double-blind review has not been observed.

After the publication of each issue, referees will be sent a certificate for their contribution to the quality of this process. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives will favour the inclusion of referees in systems that foster the visibility of their work, like PUBLONS.