Innovative learning environments as a response to the educative challenges of the 21st century
learning environment, educational environment, pedagogy, innovative learning environment, educative spaces
This article reflects on the opportunity presented by Innovative Learning Environments (ILEs) in addressing the challenges of the 21st century. To achieve this, it outlines the characteristics of these learning contexts based on various international and national studies and initiatives, correlating them with the challenges identified in different institutional documents. Innovative Learning Environments represent an educational context designed for pedagogical innovation. While there is no universal definition, they are highlighted as spaces that combine innovative design with student-centered educational practices. Emphasis is placed on flexibility as a key attribute that allows spaces to be adapted for both individual and collective learning, fostering interactivity and creativity. Digital technology, present in these environments, takes on a discrete yet essential role as a resource to support learning. The relationship between Innovative Learning Environments and the educational challenges of the 21st century is highlighted, primarily identifying five of these challenges: global citizenship education, promoting inclusion, developing student-centered educational programs, utilizing multidisciplinary collaborative practices, and fostering well-being in educational environments. In conclusion, Innovative Learning Environments represent an innovative pedagogical approach that incorporates flexibility, discreet technology, and student-centered practices to address current educational challenges, promoting personalized, competency-based, inclusive, and collaborative learning, all within the framework of well-being.
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