Guidelines for authors
- A) The journal
Journal of Literary Education is a refereed, peer reviewed, electronic journal for those interested in the study and development of Literary Education. Its readership comprises practitioners, teacher educators, librarians, researchers and both undergraduate and graduate students. Journal of Literary Education offers educators a forum for debate about this discipline from a broad perspective. General issues and special issues are published.
The aim of the journal is to offer a platform to share researches about Literary Education from different disciplines and in an interdisciplinary way. That includes:
- Empirical studies of Literature.
- Social aspects of reading.
- Methodologies of teaching related to literature.
- Literature Education and other arts.
- Children’s and Youth Literature.
- Animation and other media related to literature
- Literature and ICT.
- Libraries and reading.
- Innovation and Literary Education.
- Literary Education and Global Citizenship.
- Etc.
The journal publishes an issue per year and it can include a monographic part and a miscellaneous part.
Commitment to originality
The authors undertake to send original texts that have not been published previously or are being considered in other publications. As a general rule, plagiarism will be checked automatically to every article. Originality would be a priority in order to select and publish contributions.