Persistent identifier policy
To ensure permanent access to the articles through constant registration, tracking, and monitoring of metadata, all articles and issues published by the Journal of Literary Education have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Each DOI is generated by Crossref through the OJS (Open Journal Systems) manager. To ensure its functionality, the DOI is always displayed as a full URL link in the presentation of the articles and issues of the journal, as well as in the PDF files.
The ORCID ID is mandatory for the registration of authors. It is a persistent identifier that distinguishes authors from other researchers, facilitates the recognition of their contributions, links them to their institution, and reduces the chances of errors in their registration. To help authors obtain this identifier, Journal of Literary Education provides a link on its registration page that directs them to the ORCID website (a global nonprofit organization that promotes transparent information sharing) so they can request an ID with their information. This service is completely free.