The Rules of Procedure of the Chilean Constitutional Convention: Between the rhetoric of multilingualism and hegemonic monolingualism in practice
Chilean Constitutional Convention, multilingual language policies, discourse, hegemonic monolingualism
In this article I analyze the Rules of Procedure of the Chilean Constitutional Convention as a document that promoted a multilingual policy of deliberation and participation in the Chilean Constitutional Convention. I show how this text interacts with the discourses of a number of social actors and with the communicative practices observed in the Convention. I conclude that the rhetoric of multilingualism in the text is insufficient to disrupt the hegemonic monolingualism in the Convention and that it operates, rather, as a type of discursive legitimation of the Convention itself. However, given the political-historical context in which this text emerges, I argue that it has an important symbolic and political-ideological value as a disruptor of the monolingual institutional ideologies in Chile.
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