Language policies for social justice — Translation, interpreting, and access
Translation, interpreting, language access, language policies, social justice, ultimatum game, game theoryAbstract
This is the introduction to the special issue on Language Policies for Social Justice. Using the ultimatum game as a lens through which to view resource allocation and language policies, the guest editors argue that dominant language communities are placed in an advantageous position to decide on the offer to be made to non-dominant language communities. This approach allows fairness norms to be explored in traditionally or emergently multilingual communities by drawing on translation and interpreting studies scholarship. Finally, the guest editors articulate how the articles in the special issue are positioned to advance social justice. It is argued that the articles achieve this aim by articulating how translation and interpreting studies scholarship can contribute at the law-making, policy-making, and practice level, impacting translation and interpreting practitioners as well as professionals working in situations which necessitate mediation and public services users.
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