Malpractice in Instrumental Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education
Teaching Malpractice, Conservatory, Instrumental Teaching, Teacher Training.Abstract
Although research on teaching praxis is extensive, few studies have been interested in malpractice, i.e., teaching practices inconsistent with the principles accepted in curricular, pedagogical and/or didactic frameworks. The theoretical framework of teaching malpractice proposed by Herrán and González, centered on the influence of egocentrism, has great potential to explain certain problems that have traditionally been observed in instrumental teaching in conservatories and music schools, both in Spain and in other countries. The present study, based on a qualitative critical bibliographical analysis, pursues two objectives: (1) to introduce the aforementioned framework among instrumental teaching professionals, exemplifying its central postulates through previous research in the area; and (2) to propose strategies to prevent malpractice in conservatories and music schools, based on the literature on teacher professional development. The suggested strategies involve shaping teacher professional identity through solid pedagogical training, improving teacher selection and induction procedures, and fostering professional development and collaborative work. It is concluded by arguing that preventing malpractice in conservatories and music schools requires redefining what is the ultimate purpose of instrumental education in our society today.
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