Music in the European Higher Education Area. Inequalities with respect to the university system and the urgency of a solution
University, public policies, music education, higher education, conservatory.Abstract
The location of Higher Artistic Education institutions in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is still to be completed after ten years of implementation. The academic literature and those responsible for management agree on the hypothesis that current Spanish legislation prevents the development of three essential aspects: institutional autonomy, the development of research and the equalisation of the rights of students and teaching staff with those of the rest of the university community. This article presents the results of the analysis of the content of the legislation, of the policies developed by the State Government and by the autonomous governments of three territories (Galicia, Andalusia and Catalonia), of which 3 centres are studied, with the aim of comparing the effects of the policies on the rights of students, teaching staff and the centres themselves. The resulting data will allow the development of new policies to serve the needs of the education system. The work suggests that schools in the EHEA, in general, are prepared to deal with the issues of student rights. The work suggests that the EE.AA.SS. schools, in general, are ready to face the challenge. In order to make the proposal, we have taken as a reference different European institutions that present successful models of higher education institutions.
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