Creativity in current music education: A review from school levels and teacher training
Creativity, Music Education, Elementary Education, Music Teachers.Abstract
This study analyzes the participation of creativity in current school music education through a systematic review of the most recent scientific literature. The review, guided by the PRISMA protocol, started from a bibliographic search in the indexed databases WoS, Scopus and ERIC, using the keywords creativity and music education. The final sample of selected studies was 57, being determined by all articles published in the last ten years and carried out in the field of school music education and/or initial teacher training. For analysis, data on the study population, educational level, type of study, descriptors and most relevant findings were collected in tables. The results showed the interest of the scientific community in music teachers and their limited promotion of creativity. Despite this, innovative musical and sound creation projects have emerged characterized by interdisciplinarity, collaborative creation, the use of digital technologies and openness to new sounds.
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