Control of behavior and discipline in the music classroom


  • Patricia L. Sabbatella Riccardi Universidad de Cádiz



Discipline, Music Education, Behavior Management.


Discipline and behavior control are concepts in constant interaction that are sometimes used as synonyms and in both underlies the notion of order. In the educational field the school discipline is understood as the set of rules that regulate the coexistence in the school. This set of rules refers both to the maintenance of collective order and to the creation of habits of organization and respect among each member of the educational community. The discipline understood in these terms becomes a non-conscious tool through which the individual along with other individuals (the school group) achieve through it some goals that in the educational context are the objectives of the same teaching-learning process (Beltrán, 1987), and is the control of behavior in the classroom, which allows to establish the optimal conditions for a positive discipline in the classroom. Controlling behavior in a music class is not an issue unrelated to area teachers. The discipline is a subject of conversation and concern among new and experienced teachers belonging to the different bodies of the educational levels and among students of teaching during the period of teaching practices. Maintaining discipline in a music class often becomes a complex and almost impossible process, and behavioral control is valued as the most difficult aspect to develop in the teaching task of the music area. The "sonorous-musical" atmosphere characteristic of all kinds of music in the different educational levels becomes a problem when it does not allow the good development of the academic activities. Through this communication we want to analyze some of the causes that cause indiscipline (non-discipline) in a music class and to propose strategies that allow us to find possible solutions.


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