The Socio-Educational Development Index (IDSEDU): a new indicator for an integral and holistic education of citizenship




index, indicators, profiguration, education, socialization, educating city


This article is the result of qualitative research, within the framework of previous work on Grounded Theory (2011-2021), used for the development of a City Educational Project (PEC, acronym in Spanish), in which an innovative Index of Socio-educational Development (IDSEDU, 2021) which aims to evaluate and validate the different educational policies from the different departments of a city council (of an educating city). A preliminary bibliographic and documentary analysis has been carried out for two years (2022 and 2023) to consolidate the theoretical and conceptual framework, and the comparison with other examples of educating cities. Four work teams have been organized to analyze the information and debate around the initial question about what it means to be an educating city and the purpose of a PEC, within the framework of a SWOT analysis, looking for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and in a diagnosis that is as complete as possible. In this sense, a total of 45 in-depth interviews and 2 Focus Groups have been carried out. The result is an index that is not prescriptive, but rather indicative, which offers a framework for understanding reality and, at the same time, a framework for action and social transformation. It is an index that is also a decalogue of principles of action, to ensure an Inclusive, Intercultural and Intergenerational city, that overcomes discrimination (the -isms: racism, classism, patriarchalism and ageism), and that identifies the axes of Education in Solidarity, Sustainability and Profigurative Socialization.


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Author Biography

Fidel Molina-Luque, Universidad de Lleida

Catedrático de Sociología Director del Instituto de investigación de Desarrollo Social y Territorial (INDEST) IP del Grupo de investigación consolidado GESEC (Sociedad, Salud, Educación y Cultura de los Cuidados) Universidad de Lleida


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How to Cite

Molina-Luque, F. (2024). The Socio-Educational Development Index (IDSEDU): a new indicator for an integral and holistic education of citizenship. Revista De Sociología De La Educación-RASE, 17(1), 91–106.
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