El paper dels primers editors (1473-1523) en la fixació del català modern
https://doi.org/10.7203/caplletra.27.6770Paraules clau:
editors, fixació del català modern, segles XV i XVIResum
After highlighting the significance of editors and proof-readers in the printing process and the difficult conditions, both political, socio-economic and technical, in which they worked in the Catalan-spraking lands, author investigates the linguistic corrections carried out on a wide range of editions and reprints in this period. He observes that they fluctuate between dialectization and regional diversification, on the one hand, and a homogenous standardization with recourse, lo tradition, on the other hand. Through the press the written variety was modernized by adapting it to models inspired in the work of the Humanists.Descàrregues
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